I've never meet him Bart, have no desire to, after listening to him spew

. Those comments alienated the majority of membership, come on the vote itself from EC, was a tie vote, with brown breaking the tie. Hell that's not even a majority of the EC for drones, now it gets real

'ty when you find out that 2 on the EC that supported throwing us under the bus, are actually making $$ off the drone industry, talk about DIRTY pool. Sadly it gets even more STUPID, now with elections for ama pres., and to find out that 2 of the 3 running were actually on the nominating committee, is rather disappointing, and truly shows it's a good ol boys club, entrenched they are, and probably will remain that way. THey will continue to do as they please, and not what membership wants. We need an ama pres. who will support the majority of membership, not a pres. who will backdoor us. I'm not sure who that is, right now MR. Frank is only one I'd vote for. I can't support tougas, after finding out he was on the nominating committee.