I like 'em "BIG"!
Finally got my exhaust headers. The DA 150 headers are the perfect ticket for the Evo 176. The ports are a little smaller than the Evo ports. But no worries here. I first used the gasket from the Evo to trace an outline on the DA headers. Then using a hardened die grinder, I opened up the ports on the headers. There is a "LOT" of meat on the flanges so no worries of getting them too thin. Plus since the Evo bolt pattern is like maybe a millimeter closer in pattern, it was necessary to elongate each bolt hole to get them to line up. I have to give credit to Doug, @Super08 for this. It was he that showed how to do it and hence the success of this step. Now that it is all installed, I just "HAD" to do a test run on the motor. To show that I am still a "DIE HARD" when it comes to this hobby, it was about 14 degrees out today, snow on the ground and colder than the hubs of "h" "e" double touthpicks. But with a little assistance from my awesome son, @Shayne Epley, We braved the cold and fired that bad boy up. Here's the numbers. Brand new GP Evo 176 twisting a 3W 3D prop, (31x8-14), Never touched the needles and after a very minor dry flipping to get fuel to the motor... up and running. 1350 rpm at idle. 6330 WOT. Talk about pull....WOW.... is all I can say. Yup, Dave Sullivan and Randy @Spats was right on the money about this motor. Smoooooth....quiet, and beyond powerful. Imagine what it will run like after a few tanks and in warmer weather. To say the least, I am very pleased. Can't wait for it to warm up so I can finally see this bird in action. Oh yea, one more thing. "NOTE TO SELF"; Do not use cheap drill bits when attempting to drill holes. They break, "smash" your thumb and make you say really bad words. LOL

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