I like 'em "BIG"!
Looking good got to be in RC heaven right now.... the fuel tank picture looks like it has a braided vent fuel line? I haven't read this thread entirely and you may have already discussed it something new on the market? I've never seen it before..
That DLE 222 looks bad ass on your Sukhoi! I always wondered how hard is it to tune duel carburetors and how one would go about it. Hopefully your son wont have any trouble and that wont be an issue. Please post a video when he gets it fired up.
The braided fuel line is on all the lines as well as all the wiring. Don't know if it is all that new, but a friend of mine introduced me to it about six months ago. It is actually referred to as snakeskin braided loom.... Lots of people are now carrying it. Chad at TDRC now has it also. It comes in different diameters as well as different color. I did all the wiring in the Sukhoi in Purple with Orange terminating bands. (Heat Shrink). All the fuel line was done in Gray.

I sure wish now that I had purchased a four banger for the Sukhoi. But then again, it would have put too much nose weight on the plane. The motor already sticks out far enough as it is. I will probably buy one for another airframe sometime down the road this year. My son is actually going to be doing a build thread here on GSN. The PAU 43% Edge is simply gorgeous and just "screams" four cylinder.