Sooooo...... I've discovered having a new 3w 170 sitting too close to look at can cause ya to do silly things. Laboring over a decision for a new airframe for this awesome motor is just too much for me to control myself. I was thinking, "hmm, I would really like to see how this bad boy runs". (Although I flew it before I bought it and holy moly what a beast) I still wanted to see what it would do on my own airframe. Since no decision on a new home for it has not been reached, I figured..."Hey, maybe one of my already flying rides"? Since the 260 already has a rockin' 3 dub (157cs) yankin' it around like a rag dollie, Maybe the PAU? Naa....too small.
Likely candidate? The 42% Sukhoi would be best suited. Now with the Suk already being outfitted with the GP 176 Evo, it was a tough decision. But what the heck? Why not???
So off with the GP and on with the 3W. Since the nose of the Sukhoi is readily and very capable of a variety of power plants, I figured this would be one very easy engine swap. And I was right. Plug the previously drilled holes with epoxied wooden dowels... measure and redrill for the 3dub and mount it all up. I really like accurate information. Thrust alignment lines on the motor matched "PERFECTLY" with the thrust lines on the firewall!
A few hours later and I was ready to fire that bad boy up. Oh yeah, nothing wrong with this decision I can say already.
Since I had her apart, I figured it was time for a few amenities. I hated the stock wheels it came with, so off with the crappy and on with a brand new set of "skins". I also really like the
@Taildraggerrc multiplex connectors on the ailerons, so I added them to the elevators as well.
I even had some modest 3W decals I added to the cowl. Since I really don't want to "dirty" up this airframe with a ton of decals, they were just what the doctor ordered.
Since changing out the exhaust "before" the engine swap and considering the difference of the 3W verses the GP, I figured a rebalance was in order. Not really much of a change to speak of. But I did move my flight packs back just a tad to get just a teensy more tail weight balance. I am so jacked to get her back in the air. Looks to be a Hucking kind of day Sunday.