I agree with Chris. It does look incredible. . . .
I hope you don't get nervous with your maidens like I do. My hands or knees don't shake (thank God . . .

), but my heart starts pounding like it's going to come out of my chest. I actually flew a scratch built Kaos 60 I bought for the first time last weekend and it was funny. The closer I got to the runway, the harder my heart pounded, but by the second lap around the sky, it calmed down and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. By my third flight of the day, I was greasing the landings right down the center of the runway. I cannot imagine what it's going to be like when I maiden my Laser or my AMR Stick later this year, but I CANNOT wait ! ! ! ! !
Good luck with your upcoming maiden
@Alky6, but I'm sure your JTec is going to fly as good as it looks.