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Peak Models 32% Extra 330 SC


Damn I'm hungry
I will pick up this assembly in 2 or 3 months if any one is still interested or just post up the pics when it nears completion.
I have heard rumors guys putting DLE 111's in this thing. The cowl is plenty big enough! Can easily mod the tail to throw a couple of rudder servos in the back. Huh...I have not even looked to see if they are already provided for! Will let you all know in a bit.
Do have all my other birds repaired and ready but the weather is to damn hot for this old fat guy. I did get a old school Chipmunk flying again for a future brother in law. It had been in a hot attic for 16 years.
20150518_100329.jpg 0619151900-00.jpg 20150518_100240.jpg 0619151844-00.jpg


I like 'em "BIG"!
I will pick up this assembly in 2 or 3 months if any one is still interested or just post up the pics when it nears completion.
I have heard rumors guys putting DLE 111's in this thing. The cowl is plenty big enough! Can easily mod the tail to throw a couple of rudder servos in the back. Huh...I have not even looked to see if they are already provided for! Will let you all know in a bit.
Do have all my other birds repaired and ready but the weather is to damn hot for this old fat guy. I did get a old school Chipmunk flying again for a future brother in law. It had been in a hot attic for 16 years.
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You "KNOW" I will be hanging to see how that 330 comes out. Don't be wastin' time now Kelly. Git er done. LOL....
Oh my Lord, it never ends with you does it? I mean, it's bad enough that I have to put up with your glow (shudder) planes, but then to be fixin' up a Moki-ized glow powered plane for someone else? Have you no shame? Wouldn't that plane be much better...gasserized? Apparently you don't like your future brother in law.

By the way, if it just gets too unbearably hot for you, I could send ya a cool little nurse to give ya cold spunge baths?!?!?!


Damn I'm hungry
You "KNOW" I will be hanging to see how that 330 comes out. Don't be wastin' time now Kelly. Git er done. LOL....
Oh my Lord, it never ends with you does it? I mean, it's bad enough that I have to put up with your glow (shudder) planes, but then to be fixin' up a Moki-ized glow powered plane for someone else? Have you no shame? Wouldn't that plane be much better...gasserized? Apparently you don't like your future brother in law.

By the way, if it just gets too unbearably hot for you, I could send ya a cool little nurse to give ya cold spunge baths?!?!?!

Hey! IT IS WHAT IT IS! LOL Now about that nurse.......Make damn sure she is handy with latex things. Ya know.....like gloves:epic:


Damn I'm hungry
Got the cowl getting its nose painted white to give some contrast and match the spinner. Will post a pic when it is all done getting its new facelift and paint. The Left and right air inlets where not evenly centered. About 5mm difference in position.