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640cc Uber Pimp
Sorry, we'll miss ya Dimes but we'll see you at Nall! Keep that swearing up, or flatulence, I can't really tell by your posts:laughing:

Couple new emoticons to help you with your funding as well.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey its amazing the difference you see in your account when you quit smoking I know I did. Well unless you buy a buncha junk food and end up the size of a house with all the diabetes and hypertension that come with that sorta thing, Meh may as well just light up and burn one.


Damn I'm hungry
Sorry, we'll miss ya Dimes but we'll see you at Nall! Keep that swearing up, or flatulence, I can't really tell by your posts:laughing:

Couple new emoticons to help you with your funding as well. View attachment 43145View attachment 43146

Now I know why we call em "Gassers"

Hey its amazing the difference you see in your account when you quit smoking I know I did. Well unless you buy a buncha junk food and end up the size of a house with all the diabetes and hypertension that come with that sorta thing, Meh may as well just light up and burn one.

Great points! After a spark up however I find it actually lowers my blood pressure...Oh! your talking tobacco!!!!:oops:


Damn I'm hungry
Wow.....Some actual assembly info here......lol

I just got in the ignition regulator for the DA ignition and will couple it to an RcExel opto ignition cut off. I am going to make "unitary" the ignition box, regulator and opto kill. This will then be mounted to the air frame inside the motor box as a "unit" and only require one power lead and signal lead run to it. Only one battery is going to "HV" power the whole plane.


Damn I'm hungry
The ignition "unit" is now roughed in and only needs cable wrap on the HV leads and "stuffing box" for the HV leads where they penetrate the motor box. I use the extra fuel tank bungs that seem to collect up in the shop drawers.

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Note: I epoxied additional sheeting "cross grained" to the motor box cover and the 4 "tabs" for the screws that will secure it. Supplied materials where rather thin and flimsy.
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Damn I'm hungry
Got the four 6-32 holes drilled and tapped and then CA'd. will keep the "lid" on nicely.

I have decided to just make a custom muffler out of the 2 n 1 header. Should be no louder than in cowls with the baffles I will make for it. Just have to see how it will do when the time comes.
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