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Peak Models 32% Extra 330 SC


I like 'em "BIG"!
Got the four 6-32 holes drilled and tapped and then CA'd. will keep the "lid" on nicely.
View attachment 43447

I have decided to just make a custom muffler out of the 2 n 1 header. Should be no louder than in cowls with the baffles I will make for it. Just have to see how it will do when the time comes.
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I like it. Done told ya Kelly....run that puppy NASCAR style. Just tell everyone that your qualifying in the air for the Daytona 500. No one complains at a racetrack right???? :lol2:


Damn I'm hungry
Actually Rob there is a Pitts S-2 that runs open headers on his Lycoming and believe it or not it is more quiet then the private jets that fly over! My house is approximately 1/2 mile away at the end of the Fairhope Airport runway!

Got the Ignition Unit all installed and "tidy". Since I used wire loom instead of wrap I made "clamps" out of those fiberglass servo arms that come with these ARF's. Have a drawer full of em. Used them for other things as well such as fuel pump /motor brackets.

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I like 'em "BIG"!
Actually Rob there is a Pitts S-2 that runs open headers on his Lycoming and believe it or not it is more quiet then the private jets that fly over! My house is approximately 1/2 mile away at the end of the Fairhope Airport runway!

Got the Ignition Unit all installed and "tidy". Since I used wire loom instead of wrap I made "clamps" out of those fiberglass servo arms that come with these ARF's. Have a drawer full of em. Used them for other things as well such as fuel pump /motor brackets.

View attachment 43456 View attachment 43457 View attachment 43458 View attachment 43459 View attachment 43460
You are quite the artist there Dimes!:way_to_go:


Damn I'm hungry
You are quite the artist there Dimes!:way_to_go:
Thanks for the compliment Rob.

I would not go that far:D but I do like a Neat lay out of things. I believe it greatly enhances longevity and helps prevent possible issues but issues can arise no matter what.

Got the throttle servo installed and throttle settings set in the 14SG.
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I like 'em "BIG"!
Thanks for the compliment Rob.

I would not go that far:D but I do like a Neat lay out of things. I believe it greatly enhances longevity and helps prevent possible issues but issues can arise no matter what.

Got the throttle servo installed and throttle settings set in the 14SG.
View attachment 43467 View attachment 43468
A tidy ship is a safe and we'll performing ship. Truth is, sometimes I feel I get too anal in assembling an airframe. But then I see how others just "toss" their planes together. Some have issues resulting in a total loss. Some don't. Not saying a clean plane won't have a problem. Just less likely when ya take the time to do it all up nice. Plus it makes me really proud when people look inside my 'frames and go, "Wow"!


Damn I'm hungry
Well just got back from going "you know" and did not fly because the wind is really gusting down here. So here is some work I got done earlier today!.....The gas tank had an air leak in the "fill / drain" fitting. I sealed it up with thin CA and seems fine now. Got it all plumbed up.

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Damn I'm hungry
Almost have the "remote" choke lever completed. Will exit the fuse just below and in front of the right wing.



Damn I'm hungry
No leaky leaky fuel tanks allowed!

Absolutely Not! No wonder it was "free":laughing:. Now I got to get to my friends shop and get the Oxy Accet burning so I can NASCAR that DA 70:D. The 2 n 1 clears everything pretty well. Need to make a different way to attach the bottom of the cowl too.......the way the factory does it is ASSININE!:msn_slap:. All 4 Peak Models I have had did it that way:face-palm:. I told Catherine but all she said was Okayeeeeee!:pink_epic:.