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Peak Models 32% Extra 330 SC


Damn I'm hungry
Yeah, but he needs to do what I had to do. That is find a camera with an Auto Focus feature on the lens . . . . . .:spongebob:. Sorry Kelly, the devil made me say it. BTW, your plane is looking AWESOME ! ! ! ! !
Thanks David.
Yea the phone camera sucks!
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Damn I'm hungry
Ok the "remote" choke lever is complete! Works like a charm and is smooth..... no binding. Made the finger hold to "mimic" a petot tube.

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Damn I'm hungry
With the exception of the " muffler/mufflers???" everything under the hood is looking good. Will make up some bottom cowl mounting brackets . Pipe tunnel and motor box "closed up" and will start looking at the baffling.
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Damn I'm hungry
Going to put the gas tank vent just behind the pipe tunnel. It will look like a pissing cow girl with her boots still on!
I have this "dot" actually that has been in the drawer for about 4 years.......what the hell???......right???



Damn I'm hungry
Just a couple of pics with the cowl on to show how much room is inside for the DA70. with the plug caps on the right cylinder has about 5/8" clearance and the left about 1/2"



Damn I'm hungry
This is Theodore or aka "The Tedster" aka "Teddy". He is seven years old now. Here is a pick when he was barely a year old...

Here is one of him today......0611151924-00.jpg

Now the surprise he left me in the shop looks like it came from a much larger dog! That's it!! No more burgers for him! lol


Damn I'm hungry
Did any one notice the :dancing-poop:??? :oops:. Bad Dog! But I love the awnry cuss. He likes to dump in my shop!.....Guess he thinks my assembly is not worth a :steamer: (Nall Contribution!).

Got the cowl mount "squared" away. Stock 3mm screws at the top 6-32 on the bottomo_O.
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Staff member
Looking good Kelly. :way_to_go:

Now hurry up and finish that baby. :D I need a flight report! I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with my DA70.