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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

Place that doll head in a crashed plane photo.


That poor plane crashed Sunday. :/
Hi Ben! For some reason I haven't. I've known about them all along, and could have tried one easy enough. OTOH, I always wanted to fly a 212, and now I want to fly a DA-200. I want to try a ZDZ-180, too. But, I never got an itch to try a spin spark. All I know about them is what I've read, which is just that they have a little more power. What are your thoughts on the subject?

I'm really interested in trying one. I met Sean McMurtry once and that was all he would run. For me, I'm interested in the redundancy of 2 ignitions and I've heard good things about how well they run over a single ignition motor.

Part of it is also because FlyinRazrback was always saying that the spark on the 3W's wasn't hot enough but that's one persons opinion.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Stang, how's the ground handling off that direct drive spring? Are you on a paved runway or grass?
I fly from a paved runway. I have found whether paved or grass at fields I've been to, the handling is really good. I had multiple issues on my 260 in the beginning. But after I decided to follow some advice, (I can be rather stuborn sometimes..lol) I changed the setup and now it too is great. Now I set all my planes up pretty much the same way.


Lets see some updates! I haven't touched a plane in two days. To busy building a BBQ island. Only plane thing I've done is call around looking for a spinner bolt. I'm going through with drawls. Starting to get the shakes:spongebob:

Joe Hunt

I'm really interested in trying one. I met Sean McMurtry once and that was all he would run. For me, I'm interested in the redundancy of 2 ignitions and I've heard good things about how well they run over a single ignition motor.

Part of it is also because FlyinRazrback was always saying that the spark on the 3W's wasn't hot enough but that's one persons opinion.

Good ol' Sean. I've always had good luck with the stock 3W ignitions, back in the day, and on my new 170CS. I hear about people using other brand ignitions on them and liking those ignitions better than the stock ignitions (even using DA ignitions on them), but I don't know the first thing about any of that. I'm curious about it for certain, I wish Bill Hempel or someone up to date and with experience would enlighten me and all of us. Same with the twin spark.

Joe Hunt

Lets see some updates! I haven't touched a plane in two days. To busy building a BBQ island. Only plane thing I've done is call around looking for a spinner bolt. I'm going through with drawls. Starting to get the shakes:spongebob:

Me too... maybe I'll get back on it tonight!