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Scale RCM 1/3 Scale Champ Build


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I saw no need to trade it in so I kept it. I use it for towing occasionally, Lowe’s trips, etc, a 4x4 F350 4 door long bed is a great tool.


Flew two rounds yesterday plus the static judging, scored 88 in the static. One of the major hits was the wing gap at the fuselage. When built the fairings overlapped the wings, these were bent loading the plane in the aircraft carrier the first time so I cut the fairings flush. This was going to be a daily flyer and I wasn't worried about scale judging. I may make another set that will only be installed be installed for contests.
Had a 7 MPH cross wind yesterday, not a fun day flying. Take off's and landings were trying to say the least, at least two planes flipped over, thankfully not me. Planning three more rounds today and one tomorrow.
A beautiful Piper Vagabond found it's way into 50' high pine tree, thankfully the owner of the food truck own's a tree service. The plane was retrieved but destroyed.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Was wondering why you would buy a 4x4 in Georgia then I realized you might end up in some nasty construction sites.

I grew up on a farm in rural Texas, 4x4 was a way of life. Our goal in high school was to have a truck so muddy that there was no clue as to what color it was. Nice to have if you need it.


Flew 3 rounds on Saturday and 1 round on Sunday. The wind was so bad on Sunday I landed the plane after the second maneuver because I couldn't really control it. You use the best 2 scores and the flight on Sunday wasn't going to be one of them. Came in second place in the Sportsman/Expert Scale class. Here are a few photos from Saturday

10x8 plane (1).jpg
10x8 plane Landing.jpg
Congratulations on a good finish! I like your idea for the wing fairings. I may do the same for my Chief. Sorry I didn’t make it over there, but it’s a pretty long drive just to be a spectator. Hopefully, I’ll be flying in next year’s contest.


After flying three days in the contest this past weekend with the 7 MPH crosswind I decided it was time to install a stabilizer. I have a n Eagletree Guardian that was in the PIper Cherokee.
When to the field with the Guardian installed.. Took the better part of a day to install it since every thing is spread out. Had to make some wires longer etc. Also had to program the servos for 100% EPA adjustment. Took off and flew the trim flight, landed and reset the trims using the switch, apparently I can't count to two and toggled three times which changed the wing mode to elevon. Was I ready for the next flight I discovered that my right aileron and elevator were working backwards. Broke down and came home. After reading the instructions again I discovered what I had done. Next time out I plan to take the lap top. Wasted two hours round trip.
I had this Guardian installed in a 25% Cherokee for seven years and never made that mistake.
After flying three days in the contest this past weekend with the 7 MPH crosswind I decided it was time to install a stabilizer. I have a n Eagletree Guardian that was in the PIper Cherokee.
When to the field with the Guardian installed.. Took the better part of a day to install it since every thing is spread out. Had to make some wires longer etc. Also had to program the servos for 100% EPA adjustment. Took off and flew the trim flight, landed and reset the trims using the switch, apparently I can't count to two and toggled three times which changed the wing mode to elevon. Was I ready for the next flight I discovered that my right aileron and elevator were working backwards. Broke down and came home. After reading the instructions again I discovered what I had done. Next time out I plan to take the lap top. Wasted two hours round trip.
I had this Guardian installed in a 25% Cherokee for seven years and never made that mistake.
Not nearly as potentially costly, but I was flying my Carbon Cub today and noticed that on the 2nd flight it was very touchy. Landed and saw that I still had the rates set on high from making the turn while taxiing. I never fly on high rates! Aging sucks!!