With the help of our resident and most bodacious custom builder Terry, (
I have actually grad-e-ated to being able to do rolling harrier circles. Mucho appreciato Mr. Wiles.... Both left and right aileron rolls are coming along not too shabby. I am so not even to the point of doing loops but there is one thing I need help with for now. In doing a rolling harrier, can someone...."ANYONE" offer some advice on how to preform this maneuver correctly without ending up going in a circle? I originally started practicing doing rolling circles with just aileron...then with just rudder as per Terry's suggestions. After just banging the sticks and tossing the planes every which way to understand which direction the plane is going to go next, It just came on like a light bulb and just started progressing from there. I would really like to understand how and what it is that I am either doing, or not doing that keeps me from doing a rolling harrier in just a straight line. Ya know? Like down the center line of the runway. So....jump in here everyone. Help an old guy dude learn some new tricks.