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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob,
What is this clutter you keep referring to? All I see is a BIG A__ YAK filling up my computer screen . . . . . :big_yes:. It looks AWEOME ! !

Like I said in my previous post, don't worry about me. If my withdrawal symptoms get too bad, all I do is pull my little red head out of the box and play with it for a while, then I'm good to go . . . . . . .:yesss:.
And in pulling it out and playing with it, you are no doubt wishing it was as big as mine... right??:laughing:


Hey Rob, for poops and giggles, next time try a little heat with the gun first and use a little packing tape over those remaining covering spots. I found that works real well for me.

Your bird is turning out GREAT!!


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob, for poops and giggles, next time try a little heat with the gun first and use a little packing tape over those remaining covering spots. I found that works real well for me.

Your bird is turning out GREAT!!
What a good idea! Thank you. Alas, I actually have tried that meathod. Didn't work too well on the Yakster. So I resorted to the heat and scrape meathod. :way_to_go:
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I gots me a big yak last friday [emoji106] .