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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
Wow, thought I'd give ya'll a lil update. But every time I scroll through to get caught up, I seem to get stuck on that gorgeous red head photo. I mean that 3w quad is nice and all, but somehow doesn't have the appeal the other red head has.:devil-dance:

I did get the wings "servo'd" up and connected. Pretty much straight forward. Except I did have to add control horns to the middle of the ailerons for the third servo. Not so bad really. Previous owner moved the horns over to accommodate for better geometry. I just needed to move the middle horns over to match. Just need to give everything a final program setting with the Hitec programmer and all surfaces will be done. Many huge thanks to @Spats for having my back on the extra needed horns.

Next I will be installing the fuel tank, pin and flag switch, ignition kill switches and finalizing the inside of the fuse. Short of the gas pedal servo. I plan to get started on the repainting of the border on the canopy and the pilot bust this weekend. That will pretty much cover the biggest majority of the airframe. After the Quatro jugged devil is mounted, I'll attach the landing gear, spats and cowl. It won't be long now. Spring will be here before we know it. I think I just might make an early spring maiden.
More to come...stay tuned in.:way_to_go:


I like 'em "BIG"!
You're going to wait until the very end to install the motor aren't you? Here I always thought you were a friend of mine. . . .:laughing:
Now if'n I'd done the front first, how would ya'll know what the back was like? Once your eyes beheld those beautiful red..........cylinders, ya''ll would'a lost interest and nothing else would've mattered. Red heads are just too pretty to not pay the most attention to. I done told ya...saving the best for last. :devil-dance::devil-dance::devil-dance:


I like 'em "BIG"!
I've gotten a little work done on the Yak today. For the first time since I covered the fuse, I've gotten a chance to see the canister tunnel since I painted it prior to covering. I was actually pretty happy to see the paint set up rather nicely. I decided to put a light coat inside to help insulate and dress it up a bit. I used the same black high temp textured paint I will be using on the engine box.

I also covered the landing gear plate. Something I like to do with all my planes.

I installed the landing gear and wheel spats. Dang, I'm liking this more and more.

I also added a little "friendship" bling. My huge thanks to Randy @Spats and Tim @SupaTim for the awesome decore. Dressing this girl up for show!

I don't think I'll be adding any more graphics to the Yak. I want to retain a clean look with her. I will however more than likely add one final decal. It just wouldn't be right to have a gorgeous red head lurking beneath the hood without some sort of insignia.

I will be working on the belly vents this afternoon. Quite a bit of work needs to be done on them. Previous owner "hacked" the :dancing-poop:outta them to accommodate his huge and long pipes. In the meantime, the Yakster is raised up out of the way and awaiting more additions. Gotta love these.

Raises up high enough for me to walk under.:laughing: