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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
Home for the weekend. I think today..."TODAY" is the day we start massaging the "front" end of this big girl. I hope no one has gotten weary of the wait. I just wanted perfect complete focus with no nagging..."crap, I gotta do this", "I gotta do that". Anyway, time to dig out the gorgeous quatro jugged red head.



"Cool Guy"
Home for the weekend. I think today..."TODAY" is the day we start massaging the "front" end of this big girl. I hope no one has gotten weary of the wait. I just wanted perfect complete focus with no nagging..."crap, I gotta do this", "I gotta do that". Anyway, time to dig out the gorgeous quatro jugged red head.

Perfect timing, nasty winter storm over us today.


I like 'em "BIG"!
I was just looking through some photos of this build and compared the "before" photos with the "after" photos. Quite the difference in appearance I would say. It's hard to imagine this is the same plane...only months later. I fell in love with my 260 when I got her done. I can only imagine this big Yak is going to be right up there near the top spot of the 260.

Okie dokie... finished my coffee. Time to get busy.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
It looks AWESOME. . . . . :yesss:

I know I've been giving you allot of grief about your big Yakster, maybe too much. I want to apologize if I'm annoying you. I will try to sit back and enjoy watching you do your thing. At least this way, I get to see someone actually working on their plane so it gives me something to look forward to when thing slow down a little around here.


I like 'em "BIG"!
It looks AWESOME. . . . . :yesss:

I know I've been giving you allot of grief about your big Yakster, maybe too much. I want to apologize if I'm annoying you. I will try to sit back and enjoy watching you do your thing. At least this way, I get to see someone actually working on their plane so it gives me something to look forward to when thing slow down a little around here.
Ah heck David, if it weren't for the ribbing and the kidding.... I wouldn't be enjoying this as much as I am. All kidding aside. I appreciate your input and your "exuberant" ridicule. LOL.... Hang in there. Nice things yet to come.
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I like 'em "BIG"!
So, I was thinking today.... When I was in my teens, Farah was the blonde bomb shell I wanted more than anything. (Course what kid that age wouldn't?) As I hit the middle years, Catherine Zeta-Jones was the beautiful brunette I would've died for. Now in the later...(huh hum) years, it seems I am most attracted to the gorgeous burning red heads. And who wouldn't be? I mean, what could possibly compare to this?

Not too much done today. Not in essence of accomplishments that is. I got started on measuring, remeasuring and re-remeasuring.
Once I was certain I had the correct amount decided upon of what needed to come off the engine box, I went to cutting.

I really did not expect it to be such a long and drawn out modification. I knew there was still :dancing-poop:inside the motor box that needed to come out. However I couldn't get to it until the firewall was cut away. Wow...what I did not expect was the pure garbage that was "BLACK GOOPED" to the entire inside of the motor box. UGH!!!

I've got most of it cut away and partially cleaned up. I am laminating a new firewall since the original is just an absolute disaster. Plus, it is apparent from the "crush" marks and holes in the firewall that the first motor on this plane was a radial. I am not opposed to plugging previous drill holes and re-drilling for a new motor. But to plug 8 holes is just not my idea of "clean". So, tomorrow I will be cutting new motor box doublers epoxying them into position. After that is set, I will need to cut down the middle box plate to accommodate the insertion of the new firewall. I will also need to cut a new bottom box plate and attach it to the motor box sides. Once all this is completed, I will then set the aluminum angle braces, drill the sides of the motor box and firewall and install new bolts and lock nuts. Once that is complete, I can then continue with mounting the 212.

As it stands as of a few days ago, I weighed "EVERYTHING" just to get a possible initial idea of weight of this plane. I really was expecting numbers to be in the high 40's. Maybe tipping above 50. I was pleasantly surprised to discover she is coming in around 44 everytime I add, complete or reweigh everything. My sons big PAU Edge with the DLE 222 weighed right at 50 with the smoke and all. It being 126" and less deeper of a wing cord than the 129" Yak with a much deeper wing cord, flew amazing. So, at 44 lbs, this girl should be a very light feather in the air.:fist_pump:
Guess we'll find out in a few days.

More tomorrow....
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