Damn I'm hungry
There's allot of good advice on this thread. I don't have a large gas plane yet, but I always help out my Buddy when he comers out to fly. He uses two ground rods (electrical) with some 3/8" PVC conduit and pipe insulation over them to protect the leading edge of the wings, but I still straddle the fuselage and hold the plane for him.
I know from first hand experience what a prop can do to your hand (or arm). A friend of mine was starting his 1/4 scale Extra with a Moki 210 by himself and the plane jumped forward on him. Luckily there was someone nearby to help him with his bleeding forearm. I forgot how many stitches he needed, but he fully recovered without any issues. The first time I "met" a prop was when I was first learning how to fly and my instructor was teaching me how to start my plane. Even though I had been told to be very careful around the prop, after I started the plane, I tried to reach through the prop to remove the glow driver. . . . . . .. Luckily, the motor was just above idle and the prop was a Master Airscrew so it wasn't as sharp as an APC and I just ended up with a small cut on my finger.
I am another one of the people who don't fly when there is nobody else around, unless it is one of my foamies, but those little electric props can get you too, if you're not careful.
I have never had an incident with gas or glow props. BUT.....A little electric 12 x 3.4 SF prop damn near cut off one of my finger tips! And it hurt the entire time it was healing!