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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


I got to fly too :D. I got 8 flights in on my 51 slick. All super sweet. The breezes picked up pretty good on my 4th flight and was real bumpy on my landing approach. Caught the wind just wrong enough to have the plane smack down hard and cracked the cf gear :( I also managed to break the motor mount coming out of a hard crank shaft. Then my car battery was dead from charging so I jumped it with a 4s 3000. Overall a really fun evening :D

man, sounds like your on the same wavelength as me. ive had a string of bad luck lately also. had a motor lock about 50ft or so up on me today, with some damage and another plane eat alil concrete yesterday.

didnt know you could jump from a lipo., will have to remember that one.


70cc twin V2
I think thats why most of us are here. Heck i decided to not put "The Components" in my edge and noone gave me a hard time about it. :) My Edge is awesome :) Did the same thing with the Slick, well ok I used some of "The Components" in that one because I found a deal but not all. :)


man, sounds like your on the same wavelength as me. ive had a string of bad luck lately also. had a motor lock about 50ft or so up on me today, with some damage and another plane eat alil concrete yesterday.

didnt know you could jump from a lipo., will have to remember that one.

Yeah well, make sure its a 4s and not a 3s :)
I know from experience. I tried the 3s as I was desperate. Result = a busted battery and still had to wait for the park ranger..... He wasn't happy with me. Now that I will be using 5s and 6s batts I should be good to go for the next time I forget to start up the truck while charging.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I have jumped for 3s packs as well. I think a 5s or 6s pack may damage your car... car batteries are 12v after all. 3s packs are the closest to 12v you can find. You just need enough capacity to get the amps up. A paraboard works good for that... One time I jumped a guy with 3 3s 2200's in parallel on my paraboard.


My dad and I have 2 car batteries in our car(pedo van) with a switch. It allows you to pick which battery or both batteries. We charge off on one battery and if it does(which it does) it will charge when the car is running. We never run into a problem this way. The switch is under the passenger seat so it easy to get too. We ran 8 gauge wire to the back of the van to make sure it was holding amperage.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I had a rudder servo lock up at full deflection on my 51 slick today. Here is a video of the crash.


It took only minor damage. I will have it ready to fly by Friday easily without ordering any parts.