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To follow up on the current draw thing, an individual servo probably won't draw 75-150 amps (just take my word for it
). A single servo plug is capable of 3 amps continuous current, and can handle upwards of 10 amps burst for a few seconds. Some people have tested some plugs to 10 amps continuous for several minutes and while the connector got hot, it still took it.
Generally speaking, if we go off of the HS-M7990TH, it is capable of around 5 amps of current draw under a load. If you have 13 of these in an airplane and they all are under load drawing around 5 amps of current then you're looking at 65 amps of current draw!
That's why I went away from the Fromeco packs because while they may work well for some peoples styles of flying, they just couldn't cut it for mine 
Generally speaking, if we go off of the HS-M7990TH, it is capable of around 5 amps of current draw under a load. If you have 13 of these in an airplane and they all are under load drawing around 5 amps of current then you're looking at 65 amps of current draw!