I like 'em "BIG"!
So, progress.... I will try to update you all as much as possible. I have been working on the new Pilot Edge each night as well as the Behemoth Yak (2). Lots to get accomplished in the next few short weeks. I have a ton of photos to edit through and resize. But hopefully I can muddle through in an organized manner. LOL
. Hopefully I don't get any of you lost. Cuz I know I am for sure. hee hee
So here we go...where did we leave off? Hmm... I think I had the entire fuselage wired and pretty much tied up. I had yet to get the rudder cables set and servos synched. I also needed to get the rudder programming done too. Well all of that is done now. Finalized the rudder connections with the tail wheel assembly and steering. Stabs and elevators all servo'd up. B & E graphics finished up the dash panels and I got those placed inside the cockpit. G-Force pilot bust from Supa-Tim at Northwest RC is now in place. The 212 made it back from Aircraft International a couple of weeks ago and is now placed on the new Yak.... (I am a little leary but willing to take a chance...again)

Also got the fuel dot and backer plate in place. Aileron servo multiplex plugs installed too. Lets see, what else... I think the fuse is pretty much done inside. I still have to add the top of the motor box into its perspective location, add the ignition modules and kill switches. Add the harnesses for the ignition. Then bottom of the motor box and throttle servo and linkage. But before I do that, I need to make new canister mounts and install the new L80's. (The last ones that had a mere 5 flights on them got pretty mangled in the Behemoth Yak (1) incident.
Fortunately Gerhard was good enough to replace them. I apologize if it appears that some of the photos appear to be repeated. However with each one, more progress had been made.

I really am pushing to get the Yak completed to maiden this next weekend. It really should not take much. I have the main wings to servo up, baffle and complete the engine box, and install the landing gear. Also, I want to insert a "shout out" to a hell of a stand up guy here. @Maxwell1945
I had contacted Airman wheels and was told by Jennifer that it would be middle to late Aug. before they did another run on producing more 5.25" wheels. With time crunch being as it is, I was very skeptical that I would have wheels in time for a pre-huckfest maiden. So out of the goodness of his heart.... Van sent me his brand new never used 5.25" Airman wheels for me to put on the big Yak. As soon as the Airman wheels are produced, I will pay for a new set and have them sent directly to Van. It just goes to show what kind of people this great hobby has. Thanks are greatly appreciated.
Ok everyone, I think that is about it for the big Yak for now. I will do my best to keep you updated as I have time. Again, I am sorry it has been so long since my last posting. Hopefully you all will stay along for the final assembly and pre-huckfest maiden.
It should be noted here that I love my 3w engines. Yes they are more costly to acquire. Yes they take longer to break in. But dang if they ain't the prettiest engines....(IMO), And they are total beasts when broke in and dialed in correctly. Prove in the pudding is my 157cs, 170 classic and even my little 70cc twin on the Pitts. But that being said, I am very nervous about the 212 at this point. It has been decided by 3w that they had a bad run of crankshafts for the 212 based engines. Including the 220. Quite a number of them have been breaking. Apparently they had been over heat treated, making them brittle. The most recent replacement in my 212 is supposed to be of a completely different batch. We actually had to wait for it to ship from Germany and clear customs. No matter...I will give the 212 a try. But...I will be keeping the big Yak up where the 747's fly for the first few flights. And if it breaks again? Hopefully it will be high enough that it gives me time to get the big plane down and landed safely. At which time I will hastily removed the 212, toss it in the trash and immediately purchased a DLE 222. (I already took that into consideration when cutting the motor box) At this point, the 212 has cost me $4200.00. A little extreme and will not ever take a third chance on it.
More to come gents.
So here we go...where did we leave off? Hmm... I think I had the entire fuselage wired and pretty much tied up. I had yet to get the rudder cables set and servos synched. I also needed to get the rudder programming done too. Well all of that is done now. Finalized the rudder connections with the tail wheel assembly and steering. Stabs and elevators all servo'd up. B & E graphics finished up the dash panels and I got those placed inside the cockpit. G-Force pilot bust from Supa-Tim at Northwest RC is now in place. The 212 made it back from Aircraft International a couple of weeks ago and is now placed on the new Yak.... (I am a little leary but willing to take a chance...again)

Also got the fuel dot and backer plate in place. Aileron servo multiplex plugs installed too. Lets see, what else... I think the fuse is pretty much done inside. I still have to add the top of the motor box into its perspective location, add the ignition modules and kill switches. Add the harnesses for the ignition. Then bottom of the motor box and throttle servo and linkage. But before I do that, I need to make new canister mounts and install the new L80's. (The last ones that had a mere 5 flights on them got pretty mangled in the Behemoth Yak (1) incident.

I really am pushing to get the Yak completed to maiden this next weekend. It really should not take much. I have the main wings to servo up, baffle and complete the engine box, and install the landing gear. Also, I want to insert a "shout out" to a hell of a stand up guy here. @Maxwell1945
I had contacted Airman wheels and was told by Jennifer that it would be middle to late Aug. before they did another run on producing more 5.25" wheels. With time crunch being as it is, I was very skeptical that I would have wheels in time for a pre-huckfest maiden. So out of the goodness of his heart.... Van sent me his brand new never used 5.25" Airman wheels for me to put on the big Yak. As soon as the Airman wheels are produced, I will pay for a new set and have them sent directly to Van. It just goes to show what kind of people this great hobby has. Thanks are greatly appreciated.
Ok everyone, I think that is about it for the big Yak for now. I will do my best to keep you updated as I have time. Again, I am sorry it has been so long since my last posting. Hopefully you all will stay along for the final assembly and pre-huckfest maiden.
It should be noted here that I love my 3w engines. Yes they are more costly to acquire. Yes they take longer to break in. But dang if they ain't the prettiest engines....(IMO), And they are total beasts when broke in and dialed in correctly. Prove in the pudding is my 157cs, 170 classic and even my little 70cc twin on the Pitts. But that being said, I am very nervous about the 212 at this point. It has been decided by 3w that they had a bad run of crankshafts for the 212 based engines. Including the 220. Quite a number of them have been breaking. Apparently they had been over heat treated, making them brittle. The most recent replacement in my 212 is supposed to be of a completely different batch. We actually had to wait for it to ship from Germany and clear customs. No matter...I will give the 212 a try. But...I will be keeping the big Yak up where the 747's fly for the first few flights. And if it breaks again? Hopefully it will be high enough that it gives me time to get the big plane down and landed safely. At which time I will hastily removed the 212, toss it in the trash and immediately purchased a DLE 222. (I already took that into consideration when cutting the motor box) At this point, the 212 has cost me $4200.00. A little extreme and will not ever take a third chance on it.
More to come gents.