I like 'em "BIG"!
A little progress tonight. Besides the harnesses all being "snakeskined", I made up two side fuselage plates for the stab/elevator servo harnesses. Strung the left side Elevator servo harnesses and glued the plate into the fuselage.

I have decided against building rudder servo bays in the rear of the fuselage. Though it worked really well on the previous Yak, and will keep them there when she is rebuilt...I decided to not do a lot of cutting and modifying to this airframe. I also had a little more tail weight with them back in the rear. I do like a little tail weight but I felt I could get the plane a little finer tuned without them being back there. For that reason and others, I have decided to use the cable pull/pull system. I prefer the direct solid link of push/pull. But the 260 is still on cables after all these years and flights. She has not let me down so I figured I would give it a shot with the big Yak. (Truth be known, I am just plane, (pun intended) right down tired of building for this year. I want to fly. LOL
I am going to get the right side of the fuselage wired tomorrow. That is, the elevator harness at least. I do have the fuel tank set in the fuse now. So I will also work on getting it tied down and adding a backer plate to the inside of the fuse for the fuel dot like I did on the previous Yak.

We are now down to 41 days before Tri-Cities Huckfest. I really need to get cracking on this big guy. I spoke to Gerhard again today. He shipped the 212 and replacement L80's today, but unfortunately they will not arrive until next Wednesday. That is ok though, because the extra time will give me a chance to get more done on the Yak before it arrives. I also sold the DLE 111 today, so that means a brand new shiny "dub"
for the Pilot Edge. I will be doing that engine swap this weekend also. Dang, I have so much to get done in a very short time.
Someone pour me a cup of coffee and keep it coming....

I have decided against building rudder servo bays in the rear of the fuselage. Though it worked really well on the previous Yak, and will keep them there when she is rebuilt...I decided to not do a lot of cutting and modifying to this airframe. I also had a little more tail weight with them back in the rear. I do like a little tail weight but I felt I could get the plane a little finer tuned without them being back there. For that reason and others, I have decided to use the cable pull/pull system. I prefer the direct solid link of push/pull. But the 260 is still on cables after all these years and flights. She has not let me down so I figured I would give it a shot with the big Yak. (Truth be known, I am just plane, (pun intended) right down tired of building for this year. I want to fly. LOL
I am going to get the right side of the fuselage wired tomorrow. That is, the elevator harness at least. I do have the fuel tank set in the fuse now. So I will also work on getting it tied down and adding a backer plate to the inside of the fuse for the fuel dot like I did on the previous Yak.

We are now down to 41 days before Tri-Cities Huckfest. I really need to get cracking on this big guy. I spoke to Gerhard again today. He shipped the 212 and replacement L80's today, but unfortunately they will not arrive until next Wednesday. That is ok though, because the extra time will give me a chance to get more done on the Yak before it arrives. I also sold the DLE 111 today, so that means a brand new shiny "dub"

Someone pour me a cup of coffee and keep it coming....
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