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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


So I broke my 30% Carden Cap232. Was just flying around getting a feel for it as we had 10-12mph winds blowing. At the north end of the runway I went into a wide open throttle up line and was going to do a poptop. Right as I was about to start the poptop the motor quit on me. 7th flight and no issues at all on any other flight. Well I had plenty of altitude and was up wind. Leveled the wings and had that heavy wind pushing me. Wasn't about to try and turn to make another approach so I just floated it until it touched down. One bouncy then hit again and nosed over. Only minor damage. When the rudder smacked the ground it flexed the fuse and cracked the sheeting on the left side right at the back where the canopy meets. Didn't even break the prop. Will fix it in the morning when I get home.
Still trying to figure out what caused the motor to quit though. A guy that was there with said he thinks it might have gone lean as it was about 20 degrees cooler than any other time I have flown it. I will pull the plug in morning to check it out and see how it reads.


Went out tonight and had a great time!! Practicing IMAC and still setting my plane for next year. Learning how to slow down, waaay down! I'm basic and had my first contest this year and totally blew it!! Came home from the contest totally pee'd off at myself for not being better. Tonight all the practicing seem to pay off!! I'm happy!! Now the new routine comes out at the end of the month and I feel ready for it!

Also for the first time, with my none IMAC plane I finally nailed a hover!!

Great night!!


640cc Uber Pimp
So I broke my 30% Carden Cap232. Was just flying around getting a feel for it as we had 10-12mph winds blowing. At the north end of the runway I went into a wide open throttle up line and was going to do a poptop. Right as I was about to start the poptop the motor quit on me. 7th flight and no issues at all on any other flight. Well I had plenty of altitude and was up wind. Leveled the wings and had that heavy wind pushing me. Wasn't about to try and turn to make another approach so I just floated it until it touched down. One bouncy then hit again and nosed over. Only minor damage. When the rudder smacked the ground it flexed the fuse and cracked the sheeting on the left side right at the back where the canopy meets. Didn't even break the prop. Will fix it in the morning when I get home.
Still trying to figure out what caused the motor to quit though. A guy that was there with said he thinks it might have gone lean as it was about 20 degrees cooler than any other time I have flown it. I will pull the plug in morning to check it out and see how it reads.
That sounds like a good place to start if it quit in an up line. I'm guessing since you were about to do a Pop Top that it was wide open at the time?


Damn I'm hungry
Yup was WOT.

Had a similar with a 35cent. Was 3/4 stick entering and dead stick leaving the attempted maneuver. Engine died when I throttled all the way down once in to the rotation. I'm pretty sure it died because I forgot to idle up after take off. Now I always idle up at the start of the take off roll. Glad you can get it in the air soon.
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Had a similar with a 35cent. Was 3/4 stick entering and dead stick leaving the attempted maneuver. Engine died when I throttled all the way down once in to the rotation. I'm pretty sure it died because I forgot to idle up after take off. Now I always idle up at the start of the take off roll. Glad you can get it in the air soon.

Interesting thought. I do not have an idle up on mine though I just let it always have a high idle.


Damn I'm hungry
Interesting thought. I do not have an idle up on mine though I just let it always have a high idle.

If your radio is equipped with a throttle "cut" it is easy to set as you are running the engine. Most throttle management features in our modern radios will not allow more than 30% of the total travel volume so no worry of going WOT as you make your set point on a switch. My 14sg actually has an idle up feature normally used with heli programming. Like @Jetpainter said once the engine is at operating temp the low end leans a bit. I have tachs on all my gassers and normally have idle set about 1200 to 1500 rpm and high idle about 2200 to 2400 rpm. When I make final to touch down is when I go low idle again. My DA120 has died a couple times during the landing roll but the EME 60 handles like a dream and has never dead sticked on me.


Well I pulled the plug this morning. Motor deff went lean. Pulled the muffler and looked inside to look for damage. Still looks good so I'm gonna richen the HS just a bit and give it a go again once I repair the fuse.