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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


"Cool Guy"
@mulehead1969 @emtp275 @Fontanooch and myself got out for a few eve flights. Started day off by borrowing 2 servos from Justin, while he baffled/baffling my Slick, cut cowl, balanced Flossy, and then off to field. It was a GOODER DAY. Hey did I tell ya I got DA? :woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::dancing-chicken:


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RJ 706

70cc twin V2
First blue sky without high wind we have seen in weeks and can't go fly.
Taking off from NASCAR for two weeks to wear my other hat or actually a coat and tie, as Dir. Of Photography for the Masters Tournament.
Plenty of perfect grass at Augusta National, but they would kinda frown on an Extra rolling down a fairway.


I like 'em "BIG"!
@mulehead1969 @emtp275 @Fontanooch and myself got out for a few eve flights. Started day off by borrowing 2 servos from Justin, while he baffled/baffling my Slick, cut cowl, balanced Flossy, and then off to field. It was a GOODER DAY. Hey did I tell ya I got DA? :woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::woohoo!::dancing-chicken:
Wow...a DA? Next thing ya know, ya'll be wantin' my red heads. Off limits pal. :laughing:
Good for you Donnie. A couple of my friends came out last weekend... (the 37.5 Yak and the EF 125 Extra)...the Yak with a 1fity, the EF is a 170. Never ever seen any DA run like those ran. I now regret letting Kelly get his grimy mitts on my 70 twin. Doh...:lol2:
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"Cool Guy"
But would the wife even let you have a red head? My girls don't argue. They get equal time with me. They never complain. One, two or thirty... there is always room in my stable for another red head. Lol
Oh yeah she'd let me have a red head. Sadly I've gotten old, and she knows me chasing women is bout as useless as a dog chasing cars, what hell ya gonna do with it once ya catch it. She is very good to me


Went to the first IMAC contest this weekend in El Dorado, AR. Had a blast! Field was one of the tightest I have flown at as far as contests go and I went from Basic last year to Intermediate this year. Between engine issues, which finally got resolved about 2 weeks before the contest, and switching radios the week of the contest I managed to get about 4 practice flights in! I solidly held up 3rd place out of 3 pilots in Intermediate :) I will say that I was very happy with how I flew considering the amount of practice I had. I scored better on my unknown than I did on the knowns! Now to have mother nature cooperate so I can actually get some practice in before the next contest the first weekend in May :)


I like 'em "BIG"!
Went to the first IMAC contest this weekend in El Dorado, AR. Had a blast! Field was one of the tightest I have flown at as far as contests go and I went from Basic last year to Intermediate this year. Between engine issues, which finally got resolved about 2 weeks before the contest, and switching radios the week of the contest I managed to get about 4 practice flights in! I solidly held up 3rd place out of 3 pilots in Intermediate :) I will say that I was very happy with how I flew considering the amount of practice I had. I scored better on my unknown than I did on the knowns! Now to have mother nature cooperate so I can actually get some practice in before the next contest the first weekend in May :)
Dang, that is so awesome Mark. It is really nice when things start working out after so many setbacks huh? I am curious of what you think of the 176. By the way, what radio did you go to?

I flew the Sukhoi yesterday for mostly relaxation purposes. But also to really-REALLY see how I would like this IMAC thing. You know? I love that Sukhoi. I tried a few of my Big Yak/260/Pilot Edge maneuvers with it. Not that it won't do them, just that it's ownership belongs predominately to precision. That girl is rock solid and just so smooth. I sometimes have a hard time flying it. I am used to bangin' them sticks and having my plane get wild and wicked on me. Heh...do that with the Sukhoi and you'll lose her. LOL.

My friend Tim Cooper came out last weekend with his 125" EF Extra. He hasn't flown in about two years due to life's mitigating circumstances. It is really amazing how even after all that time, how smooth and accurate he still is. He tells me, "I'm kinda rusty". Oh, ok...if that is rusty, I want to be that rusty when I really get going with IMAC. :laughing: