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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


The 176EVO is a BEAST!!! I was talking with Ken a couple weeks ago and told him I had about 12 flights on it and was really surprised at the amount of power and he just laughed and said wait until you see what happens in about 3 more flights. Every flight during the competition this weekend that engine got stronger! By the end of the contest it was ripping a Falcon 30x13W at less than 1/2 throttle!!!

I went with a Jeti DS-14 :) What a freakin awesome radio! It took all of an hour to get all of my planes configured once I got through the videos on how to setup the radio and plane from Esprit's web site. Totally different thought process with these radios. I am using the CentralBox 200 in the Extra and now there are no criss-crossed servo leads. The cables from one side of the plane are on one side of the box and cables from the other side of the plane are on the other side of the box. Then you go into the tx and REMOTELY program the CentralBox to tie the connection point to the function of that servo. It is slick! I went with the DS-14 Basic because I didn't need all of the bells and whistles the DS-16 has and is was about $600 less :) I paid $795 for the radio and bought 5 modules to make the radio do what I wanted it to do. So I am all in on the tx for right at $860. Then the CentralBox 200 with a mag switch for powering it up was $195 and 3 3 channel rx's, 2 for the Edge and one for my wing was $195. I also picked up a 9 channel rx for the Edge because it already had the Smartfly EQ6 in it, was an additional $89 I believe. So, for $1340 I have all 3 planes setup and running on a new, state of the art, radio system.

Sorry so long winded but, everything is finally falling into place. So far this is looking to be a great IMAC year :)


I like 'em "BIG"!
Dang, I'm so excited for you Mark. Sounds like ya got things "hooked" quite nicely. I'm looking forward to being all new and state of the art radio system too. But rumor has it, later this year. So I'll just keep flying the A9x. It's been doing GREAT in all the big birds. I really thought I'd like the MZ24, but just could not acclimate to it. After coming from Futaba, Airtronics... back to Futaba, to Hitec...JR, back to Hitec...to second JR, back to Hitec. Then to the Graupner MZ24 and now back to Hitec, I'd say that's where I need to stay. Have heard the Jeti is very nice though.
After a little workshop time I did this!:lol2:No damage other than ego.:pink_epic: Step ladder solved the problem.
Just can't figure out how those trees reach out and grab my babies out of the air!:confused??:


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HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
No flying around here tomorrow, which is just as well. Got too much swimming around in the void between my ears to even think about it. I may go out to the field Sunday, but I'm not going to take anything to fly.


Damn I'm hungry
No flying around here tomorrow, which is just as well. Got too much swimming around in the void between my ears to even think about it. I may go out to the field Sunday, but I'm not going to take anything to fly.

Sometimes I really enjoy doing that. Just haul myself and enjoy life and watching others ;).


640cc Uber Pimp
No flying for me this weekend. We're in the April weather pattern where you get three things, sun, wind, rain. The problem is you get at least two of those at once. :(