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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


I like 'em "BIG"!
So open up the "hate" boxes. Temperature in the Boise valley, 80 degrees. Winds, out of the West at 0-1. Blue clear skies. The big Sukhoi performed far beyond well today. (I think she likes strutting her stuff in the sunshine) :banana-dance:

My cohert in crime, @Shayne Epley and I did some drag racing today. Big 222 powered Edge vs. 3w 170 powered Sukhoi. I can get him off the line straight and level or the jump on him straight up. (Twin spool up) But all out speed, when those four pistons start pumpin' and get movin', that DLE is one fast four cylinder. We're pretty well matched. LOL. Talk about fun.:yesss:

I brought my oldest grandson out with me today too. He got to pilot his first 40%'er. Nine years old and he can already out fly most of the guys at the field. :laughing:I think I might have him really hooked. LOL.... Guess I need to get a tiny gasser to put on the Trainer. I so love this time of year. Oh wait, I love any time of year that I can go flying. LOL


Xtreme by DeFinition !
My summary for the day is some dead bugs and I think something very big according to the amount of blood I've got on my left wing.



Damn I'm hungry
Well..........This afternoons line was full but the "mojo" was missing for most of us today :concern:. Turbulence all up in here made for some excitement when I cartwheeled:oops: the BIL's cub:devil-dance:. Amazingly the 17 y/o plane had not a scratch :applause:. It did manage to lose its tail wheel.....o_O.



I like 'em "BIG"!
I guess since the weather just sucks and won't let up, (clear, warm, no winds) I am forced to go fly today. :)
Me and my baby have a date at a certain field for fun, frolic and mayhem.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Wind is supposed to die down this morning around here so I am going to throw my Kaos in the back of the Durango and take it to the field. Hopefully the weather man will be right, for a change. . . . . :big_yes:


I like 'em "BIG"!
View attachment 54178

See what your missing then is an airframe in your lineup that's actually called a MOJO. Stupid fun plane to toss around.
Dude...those are kick. My son and I picked up a couple of Fun 51's from Tower a few years back. Built them, covered them in authentic ww2 schemes and installed some vicious glow (shudder) motors. I had an O.S. 40 ringed and bearing in mine with a tuned pipe. That thing cooked and talk about fun. Truth be known, that could be where my desire for aerobatic mayhem began. :laughing: