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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Damn I'm hungry
Just got your email this morning Bart. Huge "CONGRATS" to you an the Mrs., to Ben also.
Question: Does Ben have the authority to enforce Border Patrol? There is rumor of a Aussie/Hispanic gent, who will be traveling from WineOGayCalifornia, leave time 4/30/2016, said arrival in NC, 5/4/2016. He has no green card, and I'd like for him to be detained, truck searched for large quantities of alcohol, an "PAPER TOWELS"

Poor "PePe":concern:.


640cc Uber Pimp
The first nice Sunday of the year this weekend!!!!! 78 and sunny with winds less than 10. But in typical fashion my back hurts so bad I can barely walk across the room. :mad:


640cc Uber Pimp
At last I am able to post in this thread. It will be approaching 60 degrees tomorrow so getting a plane ready to fly. Will have to roll the field and clean up after the winter. Then try to have a flite or two. Just got my little 46 size plane prep and read got the little YS 45 going man it is nice hear a little two stroke screen they are beautiful little engine instant response and scream up to 16,500 rpm man that sounds good. I like my big gass motors but there is nothing that compares to good nitro burning motor at high rpm.


I like 'em "BIG"!
A bit of a breeze up here for us, but that ain't stopping anyone in the Team Epley camp. Baby and her new counter balanced elevators made a gorgeous appearance. Dang, wasn't expecting the difference in response on her hinnie but she did well. Had to harrier down to some 6" off the deck hovers and a few full face looking up with prop blast in my face launches. Man, what a rush.

My son maidened his 50cc Pilot Yak 54 today as well. That lil guy is as rock solid as his big, big, big brother. Really nice flying plane.

At first, I really didn't care too much for the yellow scheme. But after seeing it up close and personal in real time...it is an incredibly attractive scheme. It shows well in the sky too. Guess the younger Epley likes it too. He's now decided he's going to do his TOC 40% Yak in the same scheme.

It turned out to be a pretty nice Saturday at the field. Just wish I could figure out how to get paid to fly day in and day out!:way_to_go: I could be so stinking rich. Lol


640cc Uber Pimp
I've got everything ready to go for my first time out this year. The forecast for tomorrow looks good, but my back hurts so bad that it took me a few minutes just to get up the stairs from my workshop.:mad:


Damn I'm hungry
I've got everything ready to go for my first time out this year. The forecast for tomorrow looks good, but my back hurts so bad that it took me a few minutes just to get up the stairs from my workshop.:mad:

I know all to well about back pain. Don't push it. If it is that bad your better off resting if you can. Sorry to hear about bro.

@stangflyer I will soon be putting one together ( 50cc Pilot Yak 54) in the red blue silver scheme for the BIL. Some vid of your sons would be great:). I am trying to talk him out of a twin (EME 70) and put an EME 60 single in it.


I like 'em "BIG"!
I know all to well about back pain. Don't push it. If it is that bad your better off resting if you can. Sorry to hear about bro.

@stangflyer I will soon be putting one together ( 50cc Pilot Yak 54) in the red blue silver scheme for the BIL. Some vid of your sons would be great:). I am trying to talk him out of a twin (EME 70) and put an EME 60 single in it.
I was more interested in the first flight than getting a video. But I did get a about a minute and half. Next time out, I will get a good video for you Kelly. I only have one problem with this plane. It looks nice, It is built "REALLY" well. (Duh, it's a Pilot) and it flies really stable and far more stable than it's small size would dictate. That in itself is the problem. It is sooo little. LOL. Guess I need to step down from 40%;ers huh? :lol2: