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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Damn I'm hungry
I had that happen a few weeks ago while I was taking my airplane apart to go home, it was nasty hot and humid and I started getting kinda dizzy and had to sit down.

It's reasonably nice here this weekend, only around 90.

Yea....Us 50 somethings just can't dance like we used too but I know some 60 somethings who still rock even in the heat . I just don't get it:epic:.


70cc twin V2
It was an awesome night for some flying. Got 4 flights on each tonight. Had the field to myself tonight. I flew till the sun went down and the lights came on.


HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey @49dimes,

Who is this "US" you're referring to? ! ? ! ?. . . . . Do you have a mouse in your pocket? . . . . . .:spongebob:. Well, I guess it's like the old saying goes. If the shoe fits, wear it. . . . . :laughing: OK, I have to come clean here, I will be 54 in about 7 hours.

Be careful out in the heat everyone.



70cc twin V2
Sounds like your getting comfortable with both of them. That's great.

Oh yeah. Tried out my Hi Prop props tonight and I'm happy. Half the cost and I can't tell adifference between them and a Xoar or Falcon.

AndI love the little slick. It is so locked in.


Damn I'm hungry
Hey @49dimes,

Who is this "US" you're referring to? ! ? ! ?. . . . . Do you have a mouse in your pocket? . . . . . .:spongebob:. Well, I guess it's like the old saying goes. If the shoe fits, wear it. . . . . :laughing: OK, I have to come clean here, I will be 54 in about 7 hours.

Be careful out in the heat everyone.


Well...........HAPPY DAMN BIRTHDAY THEN :laughing:. My Dad used to tell me that.......or something like that......" What's this we chit!? got a turd in your pocket?" lol.


640cc Uber Pimp
Hey @49dimes,

Who is this "US" you're referring to? ! ? ! ?. . . . . Do you have a mouse in your pocket? . . . . . .:spongebob:. Well, I guess it's like the old saying goes. If the shoe fits, wear it. . . . . :laughing: OK, I have to come clean here, I will be 54 in about 7 hours.

Be careful out in the heat everyone.

Happy Birthday man! I'll be 55 this year. Feels like 75 sometimes. ;)