With the empennage finished, this evening I started framing the fuselage truss. Here is where there will be some deviation from the plan to save some weight.
Up until this point, I've pretty much followed the plan, but there will be quite a few changes from here out.
The bottom of the fuse was lowered 1/4" to fit grampa's cowling. I will also be replacing the 1/2" thick ply landing gear plate with a 3/16" ply laminated plate.
The plans called to inset 1/4" balsa sheet in between the trussing from the firewall to the tail, this was then sheeted with 1/8" balsa. That would basically make the fuse as strong as a baseball bat, but it would also weigh about as much as a brick.
So, I'm just adding diagonal trussing down the tail and eliminating all of the insets aft of the first 2 bays behind the firewall. Then it will be sheeted with 1/8" balsa. This basically eliminates 3-4 sheets of 1/4" balsa sheet and a bunch of glue. That's a couple ounces of weight saved