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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp
Ok boys this has been a long day of gluing. Needed to edge glue 40 sheets or balsa and lengthen them from 36 to 53 Inches long. Any volunteers?. So that has been what is keeping me busy.


640cc Uber Pimp
How are you doing the butt joints?
Ok you asked. Made a block of steel to do this. Try to explain.
Machined a slope into the block. If look at steel block, you lay the balsa sheet in the block with the edge of the balsa just above were the slop ends. As you can see the three sides on the block are shiny. You take a sanding block and run it over the balsa till yet hit the steel block on the top of the three shiny faces. When you do this you end up with a nice wedge sanded on the end of the sheet. It is hard on the sand paper sanding into the steel but it works.
You end up with a 7 to 1 gluing ratio. If I am not making sense ask for better explanation.


640cc Uber Pimp
Use wood glue. Over lap the joint by 1/16 on either side. Add glue to the joint and clamp it down between a couple boards for a few hours. Remove the clamps and boards and sand it flush and you are done. Will get you a picture very soon


640cc Uber Pimp
So for a 1/16" you end up with a 7/16" gluing surface
That is correct, I know it is more than required but my testing when making the block it worked out the best for me. I nice feathered edge and it never failed near the end of the glue joint.
I tried to make a picture but once it is glued and sanded you can hardly see it in the picture, sorry when I make another join I will picture the joints before it is glued.
Ok Tony if deciding to make one just a warning. It takes some practice and patience to sand the the bevels. After a few you will get hang of it. If you look at steel block you will some flanges that is clamp the block down on to the work bench, you also need to clamp the balsa sheet down and up agains one side. If you do this properly it makes life a lot easier.
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640cc Uber Pimp
Ok I think I have most of the wood sorted out. Hopefully with in the next week I will have all the parts cut.
One thing I still have not done is make full list of all the parched parts still needed, I keep postponing it because the price tag that the list will generate will scare me. I will be wondering is it worth doing, unfortunately I have no choice the engine has been purchased and sitting on the workbench.