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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Staff member
Look what the mail lady brought me today.

View attachment 32435

I've been wanting to get another helicopter and had been looking very hard a buying a Trex 700. I had looked at several used ones on several different helicopter sites and DecalDennis had also offered me one at a good price. The down side of the 700 over my Trex 550 is two 6S batteries as apposed to one. I had also looked at the Goblin 570's, but they are pretty pricey. Then last Friday I was checking the classifieds and a brand new listing popped up. A Goblin 570 newly built and never flown at a really awesome price. There was no way I could pass it up. I've always wanted a Goblin, and since the 570 uses the same batteries I use in the 550 it should work great.

I had a stop to make this morning on my way in to work that took longer than I thought, and when I got here I checked the mailbox and saw the mail lady had already been here, but didn't leave the boxes......CRAP! So, I hopped in the truck thinking she is never here this early and she can't be too far down the road. I caught her about half a block down the street and got my packages. Waiting another day would have sucked.;)

Wow. A new Goblin at a good price is a rare find. Nice score bro.



All the sheeting along the bottom of the plane was pretty well fuel soaked. Pulled it all off and glued in new stuff. Since I'm not super worried about weight on this plane I used a piece of really hard 1/16" balsa I had. Stiffened up the fuse quite a bit.


I like those weights you have there Chris. Is that brass bar stock?
Yes it is. Didn't realize it until after I cut it up one night at work. Thought it was just steel as it was so dirty I could t tell and it was dark where I was cutting it. Get it out into the light and was like hey that's brass not steel. Started trying to clean them up and make them pretty but never finished so I have 3-4 of them that are nice and shiny.


Defender of the Noob!
View attachment 32439
All the sheeting along the bottom of the plane was pretty well fuel soaked. Pulled it all off and glued in new stuff. Since I'm not super worried about weight on this plane I used a piece of really hard 1/16" balsa I had. Stiffened up the fuse quite a bit.

i like to tuck a few sq. in. of fuel soaked balsa under my armpits before i go food shopping, it's my little secret.....oh, was that my speaking voice?


Yes it is. Didn't realize it until after I cut it up one night at work. Thought it was just steel as it was so dirty I could t tell and it was dark where I was cutting it. Get it out into the light and was like hey that's brass not steel. Started trying to clean them up and make them pretty but never finished so I have 3-4 of them that are nice and shiny.
Get out your Brasso and get to work!!! We won't have any dull brass on this site :)


Staff member
Well I only thought I was getting ready to maiden the Grasshopper. I ran into a little snafu tonight when I was finishing up the programming on the radio. Against my better judgement, I mounted the tail servos according to the instructions. And that was with servo tape just stuck to the wall of the fuse. Which might have worked if I remembered to smear a little glue on the balsa first. So when I was adjusting the travel on the rudder, the servo came un-stuck. No problem, I'll just build a little servo tray for the tails servos. Whipped that out in short order and went back to programming. Well then the rudder servo froze up with the rudder to one side. I gave it a little nudge then it popped a little and started working again. But now I don't trust it. So tomorrow night I'll swap it out. It's always something. Nothing is ever easy.:confused:

But it's always better to find this stuff out on the ground.:yesss:
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