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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

I'm jealous reading about all the building that is going on. I lost my shop when I moved to TX. Now my shop is my garage which means in the Houston summer my shop is 120 degrees. My Double Vision is just a couple days from completion but I just can't bring myself to go out there and brave the heat to finish it.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I'm jealous reading about all the building that is going on. I lost my shop when I moved to TX. Now my shop is my garage which means in the Houston summer my shop is 120 degrees. My Double Vision is just a couple days from completion but I just can't bring myself to go out there and brave the heat to finish it.

You need a window mounted AC unit. Or a portable one.

Decal Dennis

I have thought about that and frankly it would help the vertical CG on it. My concern is breaking props on landings though as I will be switching to wood props as soon as they come in. Hadn't ordered them until I knew which prop worked best for my setup.

Guess it's time to make some wire landing gear that will flex. LOL

No need to break the prop, just have an assistant grab it while you're hovering


Staff member
Onto the next project.

So I've had this 3DHS 41" Edge for at least 3 years. Yet I only have about 10 or 12 flights on it. What's really frustrating is that it flys awesome! The problem, getting it on and off the ground. It noses over every time you breath on it. And making matters worse is the flimsy wire landing gear that always bends backwards making the nose over problem even worse. Maybe it would be fine if I didn't fly off grass all the time. The only way you can taxi it around is by holding full up elevator. The problem with full up elevator is that you can't build up enough speed to take off. It's a catch 22! So you have to get it up to speed with full up elevator then slowly lower it till it lifts off. But lower it to fast and you get a nose plant. Ugh.

For the last couple years I've been keeping an eye out for some carbon gear that I could adapt to the Edge. And in the process move the landing gear forward a bit to keep it from nosing over. My first thought was the carbon gear that comes with the 3DHS 42" Slick. The problem there is that never once has it been in stock. Imagine that:p
Well recently I picked up a Twisted Hobbies 39" Crack Yak and it came with carbon gear. I started matching it up to the 41" Edge and its the perfect size! But it's a little too flimsy. So I ordered two sets and I'm going to laminate them together. I think this will work out great. Sure cant be any worse the the stock setup that's for sure.

Step 1. Remove the old gear. Easier said than done since its permanently attached. Looks like a job for the cutoff wheel.


Staff member
Then I started the laminating process by screwing the two separate gear together. I will take it back apart and apply some 30 minute epoxy between the two layers and screw it back together. All I had on hand was 5 minute and I didn't want to push my luck. The dry fit looks pretty good.
