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Wattaplane/Skywing 48" EPP/PLY hybrid Slick


i know of a couple people that wants one. if mine flys as good as it looks. the build went pretty smooth, fun. i guess you could say this was my first official plane build. hopefully good practice for the MXS
feda replied to my msg. He said the Slicks are already on the way to the US warehouse, he said to expect them sometime in the next ten days.

I also asked about the previously leaked info about a 55" model hybrid( no info on what type of plane yet) and he said that it was put on hold for a short time while Skywing caught up on stock orders, so probably a few more weeks before anymore is known.


after seeing a couple crash pics, i deceided to reinforce the side of the fuse where it meets with the wings with a few icy sticks. made that area alot sturdier. gonna go with the stock gear till the wire gear gets here from china.

hope'n to maiden my slick either tomorrow after work or this weekend!!!! *fingers crossed


had to do some surgery on mine. broke the head off a wing bolt before i got to maiden her this evening, er yesterday evening. the blind nut inside the wing came loose but shes fixed. will post up some pics later gotta get up for work in about 3hr and 40 minutes.


is there a build thread or does skywing offer a build guide?


this is what got me through. build is easy, i guess this was my first official build.

youll really dig the music. haha!

i did use some popscicle sticks to reinforce inside the fuse, mainly the area were the wings attach. only damage ive seen so far to this wattaplanes has been this area and the LG. i ordered a wre gear, not concerned about looks as this will be the plane thats with me the most.


70cc twin V2

this is what got me through. build is easy, i guess this was my first official build.

youll really dig the music. haha!

i did use some popscicle sticks to reinforce inside the fuse, mainly the area were the wings attach. only damage ive seen so far to this wattaplanes has been this area and the LG. i ordered a wre gear, not concerned about looks as this will be the plane thats with me the most.

thanks for the link. what i was confused about was foam insert in the cowling. I didn't know what purpose it served.