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Scale Wendell Hostetler 30% PA-28 Cherokee Build


No lights planned at this time, this will be an everyday flier but who knows? Revisions are possible at any point!
Cap strips are fit, glued with Titebond II, and taped in place, the top is returned and weighted while the glue dries.. Next up cut the bottom airfoil.


The bottom cuts are completed for both wings, the left wing was positioned in the top and weighted in position, then the spar slots were cut. Again the spars were glued in and returned to bottom and weighted while the glue dries. I put all the vises and lathe parts back and too tried to get them back out so the right wing will need to wait for the left to cure, Tomorrow will glue in the plywood shear webs at the inner 4 bays where the landing gear and wing tube ribs join. I got two more cuts and I can put the bow away until the next project.



Cut and fit the plywood shear webs, the inner three foam ribs will be replaced with 1/8 plywood ribs. The plywood webs are glued in with Titebond III ultimate strength glue. Started the 1/8" balsa shear webs on the remaining bays. Plan to leave the last two without any shear web. Once the shear webs are complete will sheet the bottom side.

IMG_1868 (1).jpg


Yes it would, I'm using the ribs as templates. I can put them back in and I may. Two of the ribs also support the basswood landing gear block. Normally the tube is captured between the spars without any reinforcement shown in the photo. These wings are being built differently due the landing gear blocks and the high dihedral angle. The tube will touch the bottom sheeting to allow for longest wing tube and it will still be on the short side.



Fit up the right wing plywood ribs. The ribs are glued to 3/8" balsa sheet fitted between the top and bottom spars. The second rib needs the balsa sheet installed and glued into position. Once the glue is dry, balsa sheet will be fit to the opposite sides of the ribs.
Glued 3 -1"x3"x6" basswood blocks to form the landing gear block, a little mill work coming up. The landing gear block is located about mid span of ribs 4 and 5. The second wing tube sleeve is curing so wok is about done for the day.



It will not be too long in the future that it will be time to cut the flaps and ailerons free. Started studying hinging, the plans show center hinged ailerons and flap hinged below the bottom surface with CB Associates strap hinges. The service manual has several sketches of the hinging. The ailerons are top hinged with two piano style hinges on each end, thinking I can use two SIg X style hinges on each end, the control linkage will be similar to what is show in sketch B. For the flaps thinking of making the stationary out of 1/8" g10 sheet and using a thicker sheet, possibly 3/8" and mill an 1/8" groove to form the U shaped channel. Again the control linkage will similar to what is shown.


  • 753-586 - CHEROKEE SERVICE MANUAL - PA-28-140_150_160_180_235 AND PA-28R-180_200.pdf
    40 KB · Views: 291


Worked on the right wing landing gear block today. The instructions from Robart have you install the block and sheet the wings then drill the block and fit a plywood mounting plate, seemed backward to me so I drilled the hole first and milled the area for the 1/4" mounting plate. The 5/8" hole and mounting plate are set at 3 degree outward angle. The airfoil shape was sanded on the disc sander so only 1/32" is left for final sanding. On to the left wing.
