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Yippee! What the postman brought


640cc Uber Pimp
Not to create any heartburn here fellas. Just my opinion for what it is worth. I am to the thinking that if a setup requires a certain amount of torque, then it really doesn't matter what arrangement or number of servos is used. I try to get away with as little as possible and still meet the criteria. And most times, way "WAY" over kill on torque. Our servos now days are inexpensive compared to the cost of replacement of an airframe. I am using Hitec HS7954SH's on the Pitts. Yeah, I know....not needed. But that plane ain't falling out of the sky because of weak servos. LOL. I really don't know what the specs are for the Pilot 40% 129" Yak. I can say that the rudder is totally BEHEMOTH. So is my sons PAU 43% Edge 540. If I remember correctly, he is using two Hitec HS7950TH servos. (486 each) I am using two HS7990TH servos on the Yak. Course they are 611 ounces each. 1222 total ounces. Now while I have no rudder fade, we both have noticed just a tick of rudder fade on his Edge. Again, Huge plane, huge rudder...(972 total ounces)

Personally I feel if someone wishes to do a setup a particular way, that is his choice. Most times we do things a specific way because that is just how we do things. We feel comfortable in doing so. The only time I will jump in and say "na...not good", not the way it should be....is when someone blatantly just does not understand or has not been in this hobby for as long as most of us. (insert newby here)

Just would like to know when connecting 1200 or something like that to a rudder how is done and what is the hardware used it has to be more than a 3mm bolt and nut on one side. A picture would be nice. Thanks.

Rusty 73

You sure are a sarcastic fellow.

. Our servos now days are inexpensive compared to the cost of replacement of an airframe. (insert newby here)

Stangflyer I know you mean welll but my MKS 599 are $190 per at seven =$1330 plus my backup 599 used for throttle +190 = $1520 . Unless your flying a Krill or Carf your airframe is more expensive , I agree . My PAU 300 was $1149 now the replacement 330lx is $1249 per copy so you see were I'm going . The airframe is the least expensive piece of the puzzle after another $1700 for a DA120 and canisters headers then the electronics CB 200 switchs and power box kill switch , lets say about $425-475 plus three life 2500mh batteries $180 . Not even added a great J&J tail wheel which replaces the stock one .I'm being very conservative on the replacement cost and leaving stuff out props , spinners, wires and that small stuff. Yes it's VERY important to have the correct quality servos for the application you desire .

I try and fly Imac , I need all this equipment just to get my aircraft within the same ranges as the other pilots around , quality gear will always help improve my flying and at my age I definitely need all the help possible . I guess until you have been flying or been around very good pilots you will never know if you don't ask .Hey what are you using in your aircraft to get it to fly sooo well ?. Just saying

Stangflyer why haven't i seen you at any Imac events , I who love to see you come and fly and we could discuss all the difference of gear planes radio and such, heck that's whats it's all about right :)

Rusty 73

Just would like to know when connecting 1200 or something like that to a rudder how is done and what is the hardware used it has to be more than a 3mm bolt and nut on one side. A picture would be nice. Thanks.

Here's the setup I'm using 4-40 threaded rod with a carbon fiber sleeve hysol eypoxy with to fiber lock nuts holding it together . No flex just positive input to the rudder .

The last photo is the result of when equipment fails from TAS 2017 during freestyle :eek:


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Damn I'm hungry
All I know is my plane is aching because the post man blew off my stickers and lied about it. Got 475ozin torque servo on the rudder and it might as well be an S148 cause we all know it's all about the "stickers" that make em' fly good :laughing:.


I like 'em "BIG"!
All I know is my plane is aching because the post man blew off my stickers and lied about it. Got 475ozin torque servo on the rudder and it might as well be an S148 cause we all know it's all about the "stickers" that make em' fly good :laughing:.
double-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif yup...lol


I like 'em "BIG"!
Stangflyer I know you mean welll but my MKS 599 are $190 per at seven =$1330 plus my backup 599 used for throttle +190 = $1520 . Unless your flying a Krill or Carf your airframe is more expensive , I agree . My PAU 300 was $1149 now the replacement 330lx is $1249 per copy so you see were I'm going . The airframe is the least expensive piece of the puzzle after another $1700 for a DA120 and canisters headers then the electronics CB 200 switchs and power box kill switch , lets say about $425-475 plus three life 2500mh batteries $180 . Not even added a great J&J tail wheel which replaces the stock one .I'm being very conservative on the replacement cost and leaving stuff out props , spinners, wires and that small stuff. Yes it's VERY important to have the correct quality servos for the application you desire .

I try and fly Imac , I need all this equipment just to get my aircraft within the same ranges as the other pilots around , quality gear will always help improve my flying and at my age I definitely need all the help possible . I guess until you have been flying or been around very good pilots you will never know if you don't ask .Hey what are you using in your aircraft to get it to fly sooo well ?. Just saying

Stangflyer why haven't i seen you at any Imac events , I who love to see you come and fly and we could discuss all the difference of gear planes radio and such, heck that's whats it's all about right :)
Oh you know...it is that nasty four lettered word. WORK. One day I will be rich and famous. Well, Infamous maybe. Hardly think I will ever be rich. LOL. Yes, I would love to see a bunch of you fellas. I hope this work thing doesn't last too much longer. I would love nothing more than to attend more events than I have in the past.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Just would like to know when connecting 1200 or something like that to a rudder how is done and what is the hardware used it has to be more than a 3mm bolt and nut on one side. A picture would be nice. Thanks.
Snoops, don't know about other guys, but I use Hangar 9 or Sullivan HD hardware. Use primarily good quality servo arms like MPI or SWB. Many out there worth looking at. As for setup, pretty basic really. I have done pull/pull on rudders. I really don't like them because you are relying on a cable that can stretch to "PULL" your rudder to one side or the other. With a push/pull, (my preference) with the titanium hard link turnbuckles, you not only are pulling on one side of the control horn, you are also pushing with the same force on the other side of the control horn. Equal pressure minimizes stress and therefor reduces risk of something failing. Also, I have found that a push/pull system is actually stronger and maintains more of the grunt force the servos are exerting. With pull/pull, you are losing a bit of the torque because you lose it through the cable. You would be surprised at just how much force it takes to break a 3mm bolt. There is no doubt in my mind that you will rip your control horns out of your control surface before you will break a 3mm bolt. Ask me how I know this. LOL. When possible, (which I will 99% of the time drill out the control horns to accept a 4 mil bolt) I use 4mm just for the extra safety margin. Its that anal thing.

I don't have any photos at present, but would be happy to get some and post them for you. Remember, your setup is "ONLY" as strong as your weakest link.

Rusty 73

Talk with a few pilots in the South central district and a couple of them have had issues with the 4-40 Titanium hanger 9 and SWB turn barrels bending . It happened on the ailerons that were bent from flying the 40 % Carden , Kam Aero and J-Tec planes . Remember they are pushing 38-40 lbs of weight .
How he resolved was going to a spring steel strength turnbuckle 3mm from of all place the RC car's , yes RC cars has alot of sizes of fit just about and issue it seems.
If you look(goggle tensile strength) of titanium and high tempered steel you will see the difference , since the adjustment he hasn't had any issues in the linkage . Yes the weakest link

Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at 2.46.00 AM.png

Rusty 73

Oh you know...it is that nasty four lettered word. WORK. One day I will be rich and famous. Well, Infamous maybe. Hardly think I will ever be rich. LOL. Yes, I would love to see a bunch of you fellas. I hope this work thing doesn't last too much longer. I would love nothing more than to attend more events than I have in the past.

Rich being you have got good health and can activity enjoy live , now that's being rich to me:)
You should enjoy life more , what good is it saving so hard and not enjoying so of the fruits of our labours. Life goes by quickly .:big_yes: