Just finished gluing the tail wheel plate and the bottom most 2 stringers.
Made some calculations.
I did some research, and the compressive and tensile strength of carbon fiber relative to spruces is approximately 25 times stronger!!! This comes with a cost, and this is weight.
The carbon fiber square rods weigh approximately 1 gram per inch. The spruce square weighs 0.39 grams per inch.
In my construction, there will be a total of 576" of stringers used for the bottom and side of the fuselage.
If it was all spruce, the total weight would be 7.9 ounces.
If it was all carbon fiber, the total weight would be 20 ounces ( this is a 12 ounce gain, wow!! almost one pound!!)
In my case, there are 1/2 spruce and 1/2 carbon fiber, this will be a total of 14 ounces, a weight gain of 6 ounces, actually not that bad. A good price to pay for the strength increase.
Ok, however, there will be cross bracing, and the 1/8" carbon fiber rods I will use weigh .33 grams per inch. This is about 0.06 grams less than the spruce. Therefore, I will gain some of the loss by using these!!
This is going to be fun to see how it comes out!!