3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Flight report:
I went flying twice today. Once with my boy in the AM and then I decided to head out to the field for some quick flights on the 70 FB slick just before sunset.
The first time I only got one flight because I made the mistake of landing a bit hard and got a prop strike. I went over to the hobby shop (there is a new one in town where the guys are actually cool and helpful) where I found out there was a xoar 19x8 hanging on the wall. I really wanted to fly again in the next 24 hours so my conundrum was how to drill the new prop. My buddy with the drill press is out of town for work so that was not an option. I don't have a prop drilling jig and can never bring myself to pay for one... I should at some point but not today. Finally I decided to throw caution to the wind and use the broken prop as a drill guide. I had the right drill bit for the center hole and had to borrow the smaller bit from the guys at the LHS. After running my card, the owner of the shop held the two props together wile I drilled it. After each hole I dropped a bolt into it to help hold the props in place. My evil genius plan worked!
At around 7:30 I drove out to the field where some huckin was accomplished
Unfortunately I was out there all by myself. Typically I push a little harder if there is someone there with me.
I spent the first flight up high... trying to gain confidence to bring it lower. The second flight I brought it down and hucked it some. The wind was blowing maybe 6 or 7 mph. Just enough to provide opportunity for torque rolling down the runway. Very satisfying
. Soon the sun was low enough for me to do some extended hovering into the wind. The wind was from the West so I had to wait till it dipped below the hill. Nearly touched the tail. Satisfying
. I did my first decent inverted harrier on this plane... takes a lot of faith in the motor since it is barely turning. Inverted harrier takes very little power as opposed to upright. The plane will almost maintain it at idle. Finally managing it, even if for just a moment was very satisfying
. I'm still really loving the DLE 35 on a 19x8 xoar. Fantastic combo 

Huckin managed
I went flying twice today. Once with my boy in the AM and then I decided to head out to the field for some quick flights on the 70 FB slick just before sunset.
The first time I only got one flight because I made the mistake of landing a bit hard and got a prop strike. I went over to the hobby shop (there is a new one in town where the guys are actually cool and helpful) where I found out there was a xoar 19x8 hanging on the wall. I really wanted to fly again in the next 24 hours so my conundrum was how to drill the new prop. My buddy with the drill press is out of town for work so that was not an option. I don't have a prop drilling jig and can never bring myself to pay for one... I should at some point but not today. Finally I decided to throw caution to the wind and use the broken prop as a drill guide. I had the right drill bit for the center hole and had to borrow the smaller bit from the guys at the LHS. After running my card, the owner of the shop held the two props together wile I drilled it. After each hole I dropped a bolt into it to help hold the props in place. My evil genius plan worked!
At around 7:30 I drove out to the field where some huckin was accomplished
I spent the first flight up high... trying to gain confidence to bring it lower. The second flight I brought it down and hucked it some. The wind was blowing maybe 6 or 7 mph. Just enough to provide opportunity for torque rolling down the runway. Very satisfying

Huckin managed