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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

Even a reaching tool was not going to help me get the elevator extensions through all that X bracing... I removed the covering off the bottom of the fuse like I've done a million times before to get my wires attached where I want them. I needed to make sure they were not going to get sawn in half by the pull/pull cables.

Is it just me, or did covering get crappier? It just seems like junk compared to 8 years ago. Back then cheap ARFs had junk china coat, but GS pretty much all had real Ultra Coat. You could easily remove it and re-apply it. I do not recommend trying it with this stuff. Either these guys are not using real ultra coat anymore, or ultra coat isn't very good anymore. ???

Even with the covering removed it was still a challenge to get the wires run and attached how I wanted them:


Joe Hunt

When my wires are running down the fuse and I want to zip tie them to the cross members, e.g. formers, I don't like to zip tie them directly and the zip tie cutting into them at basically a 45 degree angle. I'll put a zip tie on the former and then zip tie the wires to that zip tie. Seems like a lot less cutting into the insulation:

Yup, welcome to never loosening mufflers and prop bolts!
Yeah, the first time you have to remove a bolt that's cinched down on a Nordlock washer, you're going to think you broke something. That's because they don't simply loosen. You have to overcome the tension of the teeth and you will hear and feel it pop loose.

Those things are AWESOME,

BJ Swope


640cc Uber Pimp
Hey @Jetpainter , I use flat head screws and countersink them... then put the clamp over them so they can never work their way out. How are you doing the servo screws, I imagine they're holding up fine, yeah?

View attachment 44859
I run the screw through the clamp in the cutouts.

Check out the mystery dents in the front of the can in the one pic. I have no idea where they came from.
Clamp Screws1.jpg