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    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    So, as I mention before, I’m no master builder and my covering method is from past experiences reading other threads and trying some new things on my own. I will start with prep work, and this basically starts as soon as you are gluing balsa sheets together, it makes a huge difference sanding...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    I don't want my Pro to look cheap. I have covered may planes with monokote and always had great results. I covered this plane over 8 years ago, still looks like it was done last week.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    What a great idea. I will have to remember this one.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Ok, so just like every builder I’ve seen, here is a picture of the plane put together without any covering on it, I’ll go in detail later on how I do my covering.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Go for it Dude, winter project, OH wait you live in FL, sounds like a beer drinking project. I have had a ton of fun building this thing. Just don't 3D it ok.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    My future plan is to fly it New years day, but that's if I can talk mama in to letting me get servos. I was reminded Christmas is just around the corner. I SAID EXACTLY. LOL You can get the control horns from Jtec.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    And here is what I'm thinking for the top and bottom of the wings.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Well, it has been a while, it’s been a slow go for a bit but I’m back on it again. Here is what I got so far. All of my fiberglass parts are primed, just need some final sanding before painting but before I paint I will cover the plane first. The DryDex Spackling works great to fill in the tiny...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    LOL!!! DAMN English teachers, they catch everything. Well, he does like to pull out in front of people from time to time.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Good idea, what happened to your truck.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Top baffle plate. I made a template as a reference using the top of the cowl first. Once I was happy with it I transfer it to the 3 1/6th balsa.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Few more weeks and I'll be painting and covering, LOVE COVERING< HATE PAINTING>

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Here are more pics of the baffles painted and located with servo screws. I’m going to cut some small carbon strips and use them as washers; this will keep the balsa from getting crushed with just the screws. I also added an access panel to where I can get to the can mounts for any type of...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    So here is what I got done during the five days of straight rain down here in the south. Now that I have cowl secured it was time to work on the baffle for the 2000, I used a CD to mark the front, turned out to be a perfect diameter. For the baffles, I laminated two pieces of balsa I had left...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Hello guys, well is been a while but here is what I have. I completed the hatch and it is almost ready for painting. Now it was time to start working on the cowl ring. I started by matching the top frame to the front of the hatch. The radii didn’t quite match so I had to build it up some. I...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    More pictures of the hatch, I forgot how much time this part of the build takes, I'm guessing about 30 plus hours.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Thanks Kevin , Craig, Here is the hatch after the rest of the .5oz cloth.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    LOL!! hey Al, I'm three years ahead of the first one I did. Now Mark is going to have to order new wood for his. Kevin, thanks for the suggestion I was ahead of you by one day, but, what I did was this. I cut a strip from the .5oz cloth and laminated it on the balsa and the canopy, I let that...