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  1. A

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    I am confused, shouldn't that orange airplane be maroon and white? TAMU 73
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    You may be addicted to RC if...

    Yes! Been there and done that Look out for the 2 D trees - they move closer in after dark
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    The Inferno

    I thought about your mods, and did something similar, but with a twist. I added 1.5MM rod between the LG and the half moon ply on the fuse to add some stiffness. I found some very light wheels, collars and wire lg which I tied to the CF rectangular struts, then plugged in the wheel...
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    Spektrum dx8

    I did the same, mine kicks off at 8.3 volts, Used it for a couple of years, never a problem
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    The Inferno

    Thanks - golden info Suspect a few will get sold at my flying sites, based on the positive comments I am getting. LG may need some attention - even very soft and slow landings on the asphalt park Iot is grinding down the foam. Overall, I am delighted
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    The Inferno

    got my Inferno built and maiden flights . Quite the floater - just got to pick my super calm mornings and just before susnset times to fly. Rolling Circle - Where did your CG point drive your battery placement? I am using the TH 2S 250mah, and with the velcro/painters tape to play with...
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Great flying! Thx for sharing
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    kids and trucks - years ago I had a good friend who would borrow my pickup only once a year, to buy the family christmas tree from the tree farm - always took his step daughter with him year after year. When it was traded off, she shared with her parents that it made her sad because she thought...
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    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Thanks - very helpful - already see several things I can do better. I will be going back to this one multiple times. I have practicing with a 50" 3D airplane - probably have some retuning to do if I want it to track right for IMAC. The stall before the spin I had read about, and thought I...
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    While flying a 6 oz foamie, I was challenged on "safety" because I routinely did harrier landings at my feet. Guess it is unsafe if you don't have to walk a while to get it.
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    dth7 - delightful --- great to know that I am not the only one who is three clicks out of trim ;-)
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    Twisted Hobbys Crack Laser, with a few new build tips

    Finally had near perfect conditions this morning - Laser was in the commute vehicle, so I did a fly break on the way to work. For some reason, I decided to set myself the challege of "how big and fat can I make a knife edge loop". After lots of fun, I have come to the conclusion that visual...
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    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Great insight Concluding that for those of us whose skills are closer the middle of the bell curve, monoplane is the sensible choice. I'd love to hear Bryan Herbert enlighten us on what process he follows to get a get flying airframe - (hinting that maybe we could coax him into the forum for...
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    What a bunch of anarchists! If God wanted the left hand to be the equal of the right, She would have put the thumb on the other side ;-)
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I have noticed that a newly completed plane, ready for maiden flight, can cause the wind to blow abnormally hard for days at a time... ;-)
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    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    dth7 3dbandit - thanks for the insight
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    The e-book version, of course
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Try the book " Smart Customers, Stupid Companies" to see what is predicted for those companies who don't address such issues. Still a little time before this becomes fatal in the market (in my opinion), the the time is ticking away.
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    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Congrats to the USA F3A championship I notice that the picture of the US F3A team in model aviation Has two unexpected aspects that I would like to understand better. 1) airframes - two mid wing monoplanes are joined by two biplanes. Granted my skills are trivial compared to these guys, but I...