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Search results

  1. SteveT.

    *** Guerrilla Squad A T X ***

    I was not offended, and forgot this was the Guerilla thread, so should not have said anything... and will refrain from making comments of that type... SteveT
  2. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    NVM already answered
  3. SteveT.

    *** Guerrilla Squad A T X ***

    Do we really need to get into politics here? SteveT
  4. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Spot-on Aluminum arms single arms and Spot-on double arms, as sold by Aztech Aermodel. a sponsor of 3DRCForums...
  5. SteveT.

    *** Guerrilla Squad A T X ***

    As noted previously, it will get better... SteveT
  6. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    And who says young kids don't build anything these days...... Way to go!! SteveT
  7. SteveT.

    3DHS 70" Velox

    No paint, that just makes it heavier, and the reason I had this one made was to see if I could shave a bit of weight off over my aluminum one.....But alas, it only saves about 1.3oz. But as I have already found I had to move my packs forward to get the CG I wanted, with this mount, and the fact...
  8. SteveT.

    3DHS 70" Velox

    National Balsa...I have had things cut at Manzanao Laser before, but they couldn't cut anything over 1/8" and this had to have the front and back pieces cut out of 3/16" ...and they didn't even carry 3/32" which are what the sides and top are made of... I must say, I was a pit disappointed at...
  9. SteveT.

    3DHS 70" Velox

    I thought I would see if a laser cut extension box would be any lighter than my aluminum one, so, I designed one and had it laser cut, and yes it is lighter, so, maybe I can get some of the weight out of the tail... SteveT
  10. SteveT.

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    When I made my comment about the caps, I was not commenting on the quality, but rather the size/capacity....as larger caps can "and do" effect how long the wires can be. A case in point.....This ESC can have fairly long wires (up to about 18" I have been told), without adding any caps to the...
  11. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Time to get a new ESC....or just make sure you set your timer properly... SteveT
  12. SteveT.

    Discussion Wow, a plane can do that?

    Great idea Ben.....(kind of like a secret shopper) but even if I had not met you at the Lodi Huckfest, I would know who you were on sight... SteveT
  13. SteveT.

    103" Extra 330SC Building, Flying, and Questions

    Nice!!! All sizes represented!! SteveT
  14. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    Unfortunately not in mine.... Oh well....no biggy.... SteveT
  15. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    Just as a matter of mentioning.... I hate "easy connectors", and this plane has a schnit load of them.... Also, where did you guys find the rods to go between the ailerons? Mine seem to be missing....no big deal as I have plenty of music wire, but just wondered if I was missing them...
  16. SteveT.

    Favorite and Most Trusted RC Vendors

    I say it to get my $100.00 a month payment.......:megaroll: :megaroll: :megaroll: :megaroll: (yeah right....in their wildest dreams!!!) SteveT
  17. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    About a month ago...actually bought three....one for one of our overseas friends.... STeveT
  18. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    Sorry, but no...as soon as I finish the Byper which I am just heading out to work on and hopefully finish, I am starting on the 51"...... SteveT
  19. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    I bought two...one for my Byper and 51" Slick...neener, neener, neener!!! :D :D SteveT