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Search results

  1. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    Hi guys.... as possibly some of you have noticed, it is a bit difficult (not impossible) to put more than one strap onto the battery in this beautiful bipe, so, I devised a method/device to alleviate this, and am selling them for $20.00 including shipping via priority mail in the conus. I have...
  2. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    No good weather here until next Wednesday... SteveT.
  3. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Flew Saturday and yesterday, 68 degrees, sunny all day Saturday, sunny yesterday morning, clouds came in during the afternoon.....cool with scattered showers here today... SteveT.
  4. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Yup, and my 74" Edge, 72" Extra, 59" Slick, 57" Extra, 55" Edge and 48" Edge.... SteveT
  5. SteveT.

    3dhs 89 slick

    You're welcome... SteveT.
  6. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

  7. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    Due to various things beyond my control, I only have about seven flights on the 74" (two today),but I love it with this power combination. I can come off of the ground and go vertical as far as I want from basically a ten foot roll out....As I have said before, I am not an accomplished 3D flier...
  8. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Goblin..sorry SteveT.
  9. SteveT.

    3dhs 89 slick

    Robart 3/16" SteveT.
  10. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Saw a guy flying the schnitt out of a 700 today!!! SteveT
  11. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Currently.... 41" Edge, orange 38.5" Gee Bee 42" Byper, red 47" Edge, orange 50" Electrostick, red 55" Yak, red 55" Edge, red 57" Extra, Red/white/blue 58" Edge, red 59" Slick, red 70" Velox, yellow/red 71" Slick, orange 72" Extra, red/white/blue 74" Edge, red 89" Slick, orange Also at my...
  12. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    Got the plane down without damage, but couldn't find the canopy, as it was very windy that day,it had headed north of our field not to be found by my son or I. About a month later (after buying a new canopy), I went out to the field, and a friend of mine came running up to me and asked if my...
  13. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    I blew the canopy off of my 71" Slick (electric) on it's maiden flight, so all of my larger planes now have screws in the canopy... SteveT.
  14. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    I removed the firewall using Golden West Debonder... As to the broken piece...if you have it, glue it back in, if not and you have a small piece of wood, replace it. If not, just make sure you get plenty of epoxy in it. SteveT.
  15. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    As the 74" Edges tend to come out a bit tail heavy, another servo in the tail would only exacerbate this. And as marked, on the motor box extension, top is top, left is left as if you were sitting in the cockpit. Epoxy all around is what I used. As to the hinges, there is an article I wrote...
  16. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    You can try it. This is the first and only prop I have tried on the motor, though, I may try a few others. When talking to Mike at Aero-model, I had asked about props and he suggested that as quite truthfully, the motor is designed to turn bigger props., but larger diameter props "can" cause...
  17. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    But A60-5S on 8S is outstanding in this plane.... You'll need at least the 21X10 if running a Xoar, the 20X10 won't load the motor enough. I am turning a Xoar 20X10 PJN Carbon gas prop on mine, and it has outstanding power (at least for my style of flying..... SteveT.
  18. SteveT.

    3DHS 58" Edge 540

    Red always flys better, except for Slicks...then it's orange...(easier to see) SteveT
  19. SteveT.


    Merry Christmas (or in the interest of being politically correct...Happy Holidays if you prefer) to all my friends on 3DRCForums!!! SteveT
  20. SteveT.

    *** Guerrilla Squad A T X ***

    Physical terrorists!! Never whine, whimper or complain, it only encourages the physical terrorist... SteveT