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Search results

  1. Bartman

    Wanted 3DHS Aspera or EF 48" Vanquish

    Before I go asking Santa for a Vanquish I figured it would be worth seeing if there are any floating around out there not getting the love they deserve. Thanks!
  2. Bartman

    Joe Nall 2018, CANCELLED!

    Forecast for the rest of the week is bad so they're sending everyone home and closing shop as of tomorrow, Tuesday, May 15. If you're heading there, turn around and go home. Sucks for sure but Mother Nature always wins. :(
  3. Bartman

    Wanted Wanted...G-26 Slimline or similar pitts style muffler

    Looking for a good used US made Slimline or similar pitts style muffler for a Zenoah G-26 Thanks!
  4. Bartman

    Cool New Project

    Hey guys, Just wanted to give you a heads up that I've got a new project underway. You can find it at www.ChampCitabriaDecathlonForums.com It's a free-to-the-public forums site dedicated to the Champ, Citabria, and Decathlon family of airplanes and I've got an RC sub forum for enthusiasts to...
  5. Bartman

    Discussion Giant RC Pan Am DC-3 Auction, DC Area Maybe?

    Never heard of this site, there are a bunch of other cool planes listed and a bunch of drone :nightmare: stuff. http://www.rasmuscatalog.com/cgi-bin/mmlist.cgi?rasmus1686/21556
  6. Bartman

    Sport Bud Nosen (!!!) 1/4 Scale Citabria Build! Woo hoo!

    Okay Chris, happy now??? :dancing-chicken: I'm a long time fan of Bud Nosen, not for any reason other than when I was a kid I used to see his full page ads in Model Airplane News and I thought he MUST be a bad ass to be building these huge planes, especially the Mustang! So while I wait to...
  7. Bartman

    Wanted Wanted DA-100I or 3W-110iR2 Inline Twin

    This would be for a project that is a long way down the road but in the event there's a good used one out there and I can get it for a great price then I'd buy it early. It's hard to believe there are very many of these engines, used, sitting on shelves across the country but that's why I'm...
  8. Bartman

    Scale Outerzone.com......Free Plans!

    Just found out about the website Outerzone.com, lots of free plans, some are big, many are small, some are in between. https://outerzone.co.uk/browse_plans/index.asp
  9. Bartman

    Who's Up For a 3D Printing Challenge?

    After shopping for a new incidence meter I've come to the conclusion they're all overpriced crap. So who wants to design and print parts to convert one of these, a light to medium duty quick clamp, https://www.amazon.com/Irwin-Quick-518QCN-Handed-Spreader/dp/B0761J2HVR so that it can be...
  10. Bartman

    Scale Giant Scale P-51 Mustang Plans??

    Hey guys, Rather than continuing to clog up Red Raider's build thread talking about the different Mustang plans sets I thought I'd post a new thread to gather up and discuss what the options are. I'm looking for P-51B plans but let's tally up everything that's out there for big Mustang...
  11. Bartman

    Wanted DA or DLE 50/55

    Just got home from a swap meet where I couldn't pass up a 2nd hand GP Christen Eagle but need an engine now. Let me know if you've got one in good condition please, with or without muffler. Thanks Bart
  12. Bartman

    SOLD! DA-50 w/ smoke muffler and 3" stand-offs

    Excellent condition, runs perfect. Comes with pitts style smoke muffler or a light-weight non-smoke pitts-style muffler and 3" standoffs from DA.
  13. Bartman

    A Classic! Lanier 1/3 Scale Laser 200, DLE 61, Hitec Servos

    I'll post photos later tonight but here's what I've got.... It was built by an older gentleman back around 2001 and flown about 50 times, he logged each flight. I bought it earlier this year and removed about 3.5 pounds by replacing the Zenoah G62 with a low time DLE61. I also swapped out the...
  14. Bartman

    Source for scale drawings

    Does anyone have a good source for scale drawings? I've got an old and rather delapidated Carden Cap 232 that needs to be rebuilt and I've decided to scratch build a new fuselage instead of trying to salvage the old one. There are a few details though that I'd like to make slightly more...
  15. Bartman

    Suggestions for shipping a large kit box?

    Big planes, big boxes. Right? Other than greyhound, what are the best options? I'm trying to get a kit shipped from Georgia to New Jersey and would hate to lose it due to shipping. Thanks! Bart
  16. Bartman

    GSN Purchased by New Owner

    It's not easy to walk away from something... that you've put so much time and effort into. A lot of you understood that and offered your support for GSN in emails last night which is very much appreciated. And so it came as a huge surprise shortly after our announcement last night to receive...
  17. Bartman

    Sunday night GSN Update

    It's been just over two years now since we started GiantScaleNews.com... and in that time we've seen a lot of the people and activities that make Giant Scale RC flying such an awesome hobby. In that same time though my kids have grown a little older and I've had the good fortune to experience...
  18. Bartman

    Frank Tiano, Candidate for AMA President

    Frank Tiano is a name you've probably heard of, after all he's been competing in and winning scale contest for decades and is the event coordinator for a number of very successful scale and jet events that have been running for many years. And now Frank Tiano wants your vote for AMA...
  19. Bartman

    Molded fiberglass fuel tanks?

    Hey folks, Was just wondering what tricks there are to making a custom molded fiberglass fuel tank. Is the fiberglass resin naturally resistant to the fuel or does it have to be sealed after it's made? I'd like to get a tank to mount right on the CG for my Laser but there's a little over an...
  20. Bartman

    Is a DLE-61 any good?

    Been looking for a DA-60 but if that doesn't come through is the DLE-61 any good? I know the 110, 55 and 30/35 were popular but the chinese manufacturers don't necessarily nail it with every try.....so is the 61 safe or a dog? Thanks! Bart