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Search results

  1. Bartman

    Wanted Sell me your good used DA-60!

    Looking to buy a good, used DA-60. I've got a muffler and I'm going to have to make the stand-offs to fit the plane so I only really need the engine and ignition. My budget is about $400, if that works for you then let's talk! I've got a really nice used DA-50, a very good Zenoah G-26 EI...
  2. Bartman

    Restored B-29 "Doc" To Fly July 17

    http://www.b-29doc.com/2016/05/20/faa-deems-b-29-doc-airworthy-first-flight-imminent/ The Federal Aviation Administration has deemed the B-29 known as Doc airworthy by officially presenting the restoration crew with an FAA airworthiness certificate. The official airworthiness certificate...
  3. Bartman

    C/A hinges in Giant Scale Planes

    Hi folks, It's been a while but I'm plotting my return to my shop and how I'm going to get my old/new Laser 200 into the air. It was built to the plans so there's very little throw in the ailerons and elevators. Rather than trying to remove the covering so the leading edges could be beveled...
  4. Bartman

    SCALE Build/Assembly Threads

    All of our Build and Assembly Threads can be found HERE To see SCALE THREADS ONLY please click HERE A "Build" is the process of creating a flying aircraft from a kit, a set of plans, or from scratch via plans designed by the builder. An "Assembly" is the completion of a process that was...
  5. Bartman

    Brandon Stephens Joins Team Aerobeez!

    The folks at Aerobeez are very proud to announce the addition of Brandon Stephens to the team as a demo pilot. He's been flying for some time now and they're very happy to have him on the team. Here he is having a great time with an Aerobeez Extra 330. He's a member of the Lake City RC...
  6. Bartman

    Triple Tree Aerodrome, AOPA Mag Article

    I just read this today, it's a great article on Pat Hartness, Triple Tree, and Joe Nall. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2016/march/pilot/f_never February 4, 2016 By Julie Summers Walker Finding the secret to happiness at a grass strip Pat Hartness might be aviation’s Peter Pan...
  7. Bartman

    Where should build and assembly threads be? POLL, please vote!

    Hey folks, Time for you guys to tell me how you'd like the site to be laid out when it comes to build and assembly threads. Would you rather they all be where they are now in one big sub-forum or would you prefer that the builds be separated and put with the individual sub-forums that we...
  8. Bartman

    June 2016 GiantScaleNews.com Update

    It's in your email by now or you can see it here; http://us9.campaign-archive1.com/?u=799026078ed820753e90317cf&id=a6e08cae85&e=[UNIQID] Long story short, traffic at the site is way up and XFC starts in just hours!
  9. Bartman

    DA's own Steve Malisewski needs our help

    https://www.desertaircraft.com/blogs/news/147447751-das-own-steve-malisewski-needs-our-help I was just surfing through the DA website and came across this, it happened back in April but the aftereffects are still playing out; Posted on 05 Apr 09:06 Hello DA fans, Today we'd like to ask...
  10. Bartman

    XFC2016 @ GSN Sponsored by RedwingRC.com!

    Coverage of XFC 2016 begins tomorrow here at GiantScaleNews.com courtesy of RedwingRC.com!! GSN Contributor @gyro is probably just about there with his first dispatches due in at GSN sometime in the afternoon. Keep an eye on this sub-forum area for his photos and video of what's going on at...
  11. Bartman

    GSN will be offline for maintenance

    Hey guys, I just sent this out via email to all y'all; Good evening everyone, Please be advised that GiantScaleNews.com will be offline, possibly multiple times, this weekend for server maintenance, site upgrades, and miscellaneous repairs. If at any time you find the site offline please...
  12. Bartman

    GSN IMAC Lite Format...Ideas??

    Hi folks, I was talking with former IMAC Pres. Wayne Matthews at Joe Nall a few weeks ago and asked how practical it might be to draw up a competitive precision acro format that could be administered at fun-grade flying events as an intro or fun contest format. We discussed it a little and...
  13. Bartman

    17,576 Unique Visitors in May

    Things are heating up around here! After having an average of 13,394 unique visitors per month over the first four months of 2016, we crushed the average with 17,576 unique visitors in May! No doubt, our newly welcomed brothers and sisters from 3DRCF contributed to this increase but promotions...
  14. Bartman

    Kobe Cantin

    Got an email from Kobe today asking about adding him to our Sponsored Pilots' Showcase and I'm happy to oblige! He's 15 and is living in Florida, enjoying the weather and flying as much as possible. West Michigan Park Flyers currently sponsors Kobe but his current giant scale ride is an AJ 93"...
  15. Bartman

    Acid/Epoxy Brushes Source

    This was mentioned elsewhere and thought I'd share it as the price is reasonable and the person that provided the link expressed that the quality is good. There are a variety of sizes available. https://www.solobrushes.com/products/p-series-all-horsehair-tin-handle-acid-brushes-4162/ $18...
  16. Bartman

    Evan Turner

    Evan is 13 years old. He has been flying since the age of 8. His sponsors include Pulse batteries and Xpert servos. Evan does a lot of imac competition and has attended the Clover Creek Aerodrome camp the last two summers and will be going back again this year. He won AMA NATS in...
  17. Bartman

    Corey Winter

    Corey Winter from Bristol, Pa. Sponsored by Team JR and GP Engines. Corey started flying and building rc planes with his grandfather and uncle at 10 years old. He fell in love with 3D flying about 6 years ago. He is currently flying 3DHS and Extreme Flight airplanes. He created buzz at Joe...
  18. Bartman

    Official Lanier 1/3 Scale Laser 200 Owners' Thread

    From the category of better late than never! Doesn't this kind of give the site a sense of legitimacy now that we've got an official thread for this classic acro plane?? Not going there with me? OK, at least let me suffer in silence! Anyway, picked up this beauty a couple of months ago and...
  19. Bartman

    Nice Joe Nall article from EAA

    Big Show, Small(ish) Airplanes May 19, 2016 - “It's not about engines and airplanes, it's the people.” That sounds like something EAA Founder Paul Poberezny would have said, but, in this case, it was a friend of Paul’s, a man clearly cut from the same cloth: Triple Tree Aerodrome’s Pat...
  20. Bartman

    APC "Electric" vs. "3D" Props

    Went to the local online retailer the other day to buy a couple of 16" props for my 20cc profile plane and saw the 3D props from APC. They weren't in stock so I got the regular electric props. Anybody try both and want to tell me and the rest of the world about it? I'm listening...... and...