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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    So this should be fun.. GULP.

    So my production company got hired to shoot the opening of the 2015 Rock n Roll Hall of fame induction ceremony for HBO. We are just doing some stabilized shots of the inside of the museum and then they wanted an aerial of the Rock Hall. Well the Rock Hall sits literally on the landing strip of...
  2. SleepyC

    German DA Dealer and DA MODIFIER?!?! 6 Cylinder?!?! 4 Cylinder DA-140?!?!

    Saw this on Facebook early this morning.. at first I thought it was a prank, but finding more pics, I think it's legit?! Pretty cool no matter what! The company: Their Creation! DA-360? DA-210? Have to admit looks interesting! The companies website is...
  3. SleepyC

    Reza has been here for a week and he's already giving stuff away! RED LINE OIL!

    Dear Modelers, and RC Enthusiasts, About 7 years ago, I started using Red Line Two-Stroke Racing Oil and comparing the long term affects of it in engine wear. This is after having 100’s of hours of flight time on various size DA engines on Amsoil. Needless to say after about a year of running...
  4. SleepyC

    Hobbico - WHYIFLY Contest!

    GO HERE TO ENTER: http://whyifly.pgtb.me/q9xk52
  5. SleepyC

    GSN Product Review - The Soloshot2 Robotic Cameraman!

    Hey guys, the weather here in Ohio finally cooperated and I was able to get out and test the Soloshot2! AS I have stated before I was super pumped to get a chance to test this rig out as it will help me get reviews done when I can't get a second camera man! And I can say after using this bad...
  6. SleepyC

    It's April Fools Day! Don't Get Fooled Again!

    It's April Fools Day! And as the Who would say...."Don't Get Fooled Again!" Hey guys, instead of pulling a very intelligent, well thought out, prank on a pile of unsuspecting forum members we here at GSN have decided to be the nice guy and remind all of you Today is April Fools Day! SO while...
  7. SleepyC

    Youth In IMAC Ripping it UP! Kal Reifsnyder

    Congrats to Kal Reifsnyder flying his new Dalton Aviation Yak 54 on his first place finish in Advanced at this past weekends IMAC contest in Ocala Florida! Kal and his Dad Tom are some awesome guys and Kal is earning his title as one BAD ASS Pilot! Sponsored by Dalton Aviation, Kal haw been...
  8. SleepyC

    Get the scoop on S.Bus at the 2015 Weak Signals R/C Expo!

    Get the scoop on S.Bus at the 2015 Weak Signals R/C Expo! Understanding the Futaba S.Bus System Friday April 10 & Saturday April 11 10:00 a.m., Room 314 SeaGate Center, Toledo, Ohio Want to get the inside scoop on another Futaba first? Want to get the latest on Futaba S.Bus technology...
  9. SleepyC


  10. SleepyC

    GIANT 1/3 SCALE RC B-25 MITCHELL 2 X 400 cc MOKI 5 CYL

  11. SleepyC

    Stepcraft 2: Universal Desktop CNC/3D Printer For Everyone

    Stepcraft 2: Universal Desktop CNC/3D Printer For Everyone https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224743317/stepcraft-2-universal-desktop-cnc-3d-printer-for-e?ref=nav_search Stepcraft 2 is the world's first universal desktop CNC solution designed to turn your ideas into reality. It is the...
  12. SleepyC

    GiantScaleNews is PROUD to Welcome Reza Gholamipour!!

    Hey guys, I am very excited to announce that GiantScaleNews will be working with an old friend that is a true asset to the hobby of Giant Scale airplanes. Mr. Reza Gholamipour has been an ambassador to the GS hobby for 10+ years. Reza has been responsible for quite a few manuals for some VERY...
  13. SleepyC


    Hey guys, are you ready for Joe Nall? Travel planned? Tent/hotel ready? Everything organized? Planes ready? They are? Are you sure?!?! Do they have a nice fat GSN logo on them? If not our good buddy Nick from Nacho Cheese Graphics has a deal for you. 20% off GSN logos!! I though that was enough...
  14. SleepyC

    Team Futaba Manager - Frank Noll Explains How To Properly Use S-Bus!

    Have you wondered about s-bus? Need some tips? Uncle Frank has you covered! THANKS FRANK!
  15. SleepyC

    FREE INDOOR FLY-IN at the 2015 Toledo Show!

    OK guys, if you missed it, TNT Landing Gear and GiantScaleNews.com are throwing a FREE (how much?? FREE!!!!!) Indoor fly-in during the 2015 Toledo Expo! And here are the details! PRIZES!!! - PRIZE SPONSORS! Hobbico Hitec Pulse Batteries RC Logger West Michigan Park Flyers LLC REDWING RC (More...
  16. SleepyC

    3DHS and ExtremeFlightRC to merge?

    So after being involved in the Giant Scale scene for well over 12 years I have a lot of industry contacts all over the world. Some work for major players and some work for Mom and Pop shops but all are valued friends and great sources of info. Tonight I heard that 3DHobbyShop and Extremeflight...
  17. SleepyC

    Countdown to Joe Nall Countdown clock...

    https://countingdownto.com/countdown/2015-joe-nall-countdown-clock If you need your up to the second fix...
  18. SleepyC

    Lima Area Radio Control Society (LARKS) 17th Annual Big Bird Fly-In

    Lima Area Radio Control Society (LARKS) 17th Annual Big Bird Fly-In Details: July 24th Thru the 26th 2015 Open to any Giant Scale Airplane (old IMAA) and Sunday is Open to all We have Camping (no Hook ups) but limited space for Campers/RV's so please call to check availability $5.00 Pilot...
  19. SleepyC

    2015 GSN & TNT Landing Gear Group Therapy Indoor Fly-in!

    OK guys, many of you are heading over to the 2015 Toledo Expo to check out all the latest hobby products, get great deals and see some buddies! But what happens at night? Guys go to dinner and things kind of peter out! Well not this year! GSN is super proud to announce our partnership with TNT...
  20. SleepyC

    Sleepy got a new Side Job......HEAVY MACHINERY!

    SO I got this new job today... seems legit. Always wanted to operate heavy machinery!