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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    REALFlight 7.5 Free Update!!

    FlytheFutaba® SkyLeaf Good news: with Update N, RealFlight 7.5 offers owners the chance to fly the first Futaba airplane ever introduced. What’s even better is that RF7.5 owners will be able to download it free in early May. Futaba is well known worldwide for its radio technology. However...
  2. SleepyC

    NEED (4) Servos and Arms... 250 oz or ??

    Ok guys, time to NALL is a ticking. The MKS rudder servo I bought at Toledo is AWESOME... the other (4) I put into the AIL and ELE.. not so much. They were digital prototype servos that never made it to market... and now I know why. the (2) are SLOW... and not smooth and the other two are fast...
  3. SleepyC

    2015 Top Gun! (Wish I Was There!)

    Well we did not make it to Top Gun this year as the budget would not allow it. But this is by far my favorite RC show in the world. (different than a fly-in) The level of airplanes in attendance is unbelievable! I have robbed these images from Steve Thomas from Falcon props and John Boyko...
  4. SleepyC

    North Louisiana Warbird Classic May 22-23

    Ok guys, all you warbird flyers get your butts to this one! looks good! NOTE: WARBIRDS ONLY! There is no size restriction, but it must represent it's true military counterpart.
  5. SleepyC

    WIN (5) MKS HV777 Servos!! FIND OUT HOW!

    Ok fellas, if you have not had a chance to meet Thomas Cooke from MKS USA you should. First off he's got a RAD Australian accent that makes you want to listen to Men at Work and pet a kangaroo. Secondly, he's got a great line of servos designed for specific applications. Ever hear of MKS SERVOS...
  6. SleepyC

    I WANT THIS: Savage Bobber Full Scale and RC version

    Ok guys, on a scale of 1 - 100% this is 110% Bad ass! Introducing the Savage Bobber Bush Plane! Full Scale and RC! I have not wanted something this badly in a long time. HOW BAD ASS is this thing? Let's eyeball the full scale for a second: The new Savage Bobber is born from our...
  7. SleepyC

    2015 Joe Nall Predictions. What ya got?

    Ok guys, the 2015 edition of the greatest fly-in in existence is upon us. In just a couple of weeks EVERYONE will descend upon Woodruff , SC and partake in the one and only Joe Nall! SO, what are your predictions for this year? How many pilots? What will be the most insane plane? Who will wad...
  8. SleepyC

    3D Joe Nall Plane.. almost forgot how to do this! AW Freestyle 70cc 260

    SO.. I finally have carved a little time into my work schedule to get a plane together. Had this guy sitting around since last year. AW Freestyle 260. Slapping a DA-70 into it. I have 4 "ehh" servos (new but Ehh) for the ele and ail, and a baller MKS servo I bought at the Toledo Show for the...
  9. SleepyC

    Video: 2015 Toledo Show: MKS Servos Thomas Cooke

    Video: 2015 Toledo Show: MKS Servos Thomas Cooke
  10. SleepyC

    Video: 2015 Toledo Show: Aerovate (Pitch changing props)

    Hey guys, here is a pretty cool idea for scale or maybe even aerobatics! Aerovate Variable Pitch Props (adjusts automatically)
  11. SleepyC

    Video: 2015 Toledo Show: FrSky Radios

    Bart speaks with FrSky radio guy!
  12. SleepyC

    Video: 2015 Toledo Show: Pulse Batteries

    Talking with Big D from Pulse Batts!
  13. SleepyC

    Video: 2015 Toledo Show: AJ Aircraft

    GSN takes a look at Aj Aircraft with Andrew!
  14. SleepyC

    Video: 2015 Toledo Show: Redwing RC

    Tim, Joe and Heather from Redwing RC!
  15. SleepyC

    VIDEO: 2015 Toledo Show: Hobbico Booth

    Hey guys, here we go. Hobbico Booth - 2015 Toledo Show...
  16. SleepyC

    Toledo Show - Times they are a changing....

    Oh guys, I am starting to eyeball all the video I shot this weekend, and I'm drinking a cup of coffee and thinking about the Toledo Show. And guys what I have come up with is, "The times, they are a changing." As wonderful as it is to see a lot of old friends to kind of start the season off, I...
  17. SleepyC

    Friday at the Toledo Show and the GSN/TNT Group Therapy Fly-in

    Hey guys, Just got back to the room after a full day of expo'in and fun fly'in and man what a fun day! The expo was a bit different than most years due to a little power issue. Around 11:30am, there was none! A transformer blew and took out the entire expo center. The emergency lights came on...
  18. SleepyC


    OK guys, if you missed it, TNT Landing Gear and GiantScaleNews.com are throwing a FREE (how much?? FREE!!!!!) Indoor fly-in during the 2015 Toledo Expo! And here are the details! PRIZES!!! - PRIZE SPONSORS! Hobbico Hitec Pulse Batteries RC Logger West Michigan Park Flyers LLC REDWING RC (More...
  19. SleepyC

    Happy Easter Everyone!

    Good Morning! And Happy Easter! I hope that if you celebrate Easter, your day is wonderful, you spend time with your family and loved ones! And if you do not celebrate Easter, I also hope your day is awesome, and you spend time with you family and loved ones! HAPPY EASTER from GSN!