Just got back from flying the timber. Haven’t had a chance to put on the slats yet.
Need to tighten the springs on the tailwheel the sand requires a lot of torque.
Forgot my SD card for the GoPro, so no video.
Had to end my outing early when a tail high/flap landing in some soft sand made the prop strike a mound with a rock in it.... time for a new prop.
This plane is a hoot with a little breeze.
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AKNick, do you (or anyone else here) use the "Crow" function (Flaps down+ Ailerons pointing up)? I added this function and found it to make the STOL landing profile greatly improved. I find the plane coming down a lot more controled than with just the flap.
-Though I realize that the function need to be installed on one switch, as during a aborted landing where I got hot headed and tried something I shouldnt do, I ended up hovering the plane with "full spread" as I was unable to get the flaps and ailerons back in quickly enough. -Glad I had the extra power in the nose when the plane was hanging from the propellar 1m from a tree!! Pulled me nicely out of the sqeeze.
(BTW, my aileron servo (HS5685MV) crapped out so the Timber is for the moment grounded! Great frustration as the the weather is absolutely fantastic these days....