Attached the bulkhead fittings with a little locktite. Added bulkhead supports, landing gear block, servo mount supports along with drilling, tapping, and wicking some thin CA into the servo thread holes.
MMW provides three options for engine mounts, DLE20 pre-cut beam mount, uncut Beam mount, and a electric motor box. It’s a little unique as the 20cc gas engine is sorta recessed inside the box slightly. I’m guessing this has to do a lot with CG, but either way it’s different than what I’m used to seeing.
I went with the DLE20cc mount as it’s universal to other brands as well (VVRC20).
Cutting out the option for a gas engine.
Servo mounts
Landing gear block
Plywood hotness
Used wood glue on one side, CA on the other.
Using the bulkhead as a guide to glue in the doubler.
Door cover, tacked one side first
Glued the rest
Door liners. Mine were double laser cut, so the fit could have been a little better.
Engine mount