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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


70cc twin V2
I need to get Pam on FB and she will see how retarded I truly am.


Looks awesome. I agree I hope the issues with interent explorer get sorted out. I use safari at the house but at work I'm stuck with IE as thats what they want us to run.


There is a template you can cut out to finish cut the vision cutout. I didn't feel like unrolling the plans and cutting it out so I just used my Divider to draw the line cut off the excess on the trailing edge. Simpler and easier for me.

The shear webs are a little more time consuming. I have 3/4 of the front spar with shear webs glued in. There are shear webs on both sides of the spars that make a real strong spar when finished. This is one part of the build that I don't like doing but I plug away at it and gets finished sooner or later. Also this is not the order the directions go in. I will finish everything I can on top of the wing before I unpin it. I think this method helps keep the wing straight.








640cc Uber Pimp
Very nice, I'm getting set to start on a few projects myself.       Cold weather kinda flips the switch on the building bug for me.


640cc Uber Pimp
Terryscustom said
Very nice, I'm getting set to start on a few projects myself.       Cold weather kinda flips the switch on the building bug for me.
Yep, between having to turn the heat on at home for a bit the other day and looking at build threads like this, I'm about ready to get back to the wood butchering!


Terryscustom said
Very nice, I'm getting set to start on a few projects myself.       Cold weather kinda flips the switch on the building bug for me.
I was hoping the weather would turn around but it's like this spring. If it's warm enough and not raining. It's to windy. The wind was only blowing 15mph today and I thought it was spring. LOL. My garage is my hideout.