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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


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Terryscustom said
Tseres said
 I noticed there are a lot less people posting since the change. We'll see.

I hope they come back to join the Winter build season, no fun without contributors.       I see the other place has gotten pretty dead as well.
Build threads like this and Terry's are my favorite part of the forums.

The Other Place is pretty dead, but the obnoxious people are still posting strong.


I have not been on that other site for months. You can count on me staying here. I liked the old format better but who knows I'll get used to this like I do every other thing. Once I figure out how to do what I want to do on this system, I'll be fine.


I'm still here just been busy with lots of things and not posting as much. Still getting used to the new format as well but it's getting better. Though I still haven't figured out how to upload pictures again yet.


Its not bad ataching pictures. Poke add reply just like you do when you make a post. Then poke attachments on the left bottom and a new screen pops up underneat. Then poke add files and it will take you to your computers pictures where you can pick the pictures you want to upload. Then poke  start upload and then submit reply.


Yeah I had tried that before with no luck. Just tried it again while on my iPhone and still no luck. I click on the add file tab and it flashes like it knows I clicked it but nothing happens. Oh well I will get I figured out eventually.


Everyone is having problems with one thing or another. I kind of wish they left the site alone the way it was. I was starting to get used to it. LOL.


I use safari through my computer. It's not perfect either.


Hey .Look what I got. Pizza Box Combat for inside the Gym in the winter time.




Nice. Yeah the one in my picture is something I came up with using the electronics out of a crashed UMX micro SU-26. Tried to fly it last night but crashed and broke the prop. The prop was way to big for it and just torqued rolled it the whole time. Gonna get me a prop off of a night vapor or the ember and try it. Dropping back from a almost 7" prop to a 4-1/2" prop should do the trick.