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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


Been recuperating from Jet lag. Not quite there yet. The weather turned cold for the next few days. Yesterday never got to 50F and the wind was blowing 22mph and gusting to 30. That's cold and miserable for this time of year.I decided to start cleaning up the bench for the Camel build. You guys already know that I hate cleaning up so my bench gets progressively more cluttered as time goes on. It took a while to get it done. I double checked the surface for flat. Had one high spot that was easy to fix with a screw tightened just enough to get things flat again.


The reason I got started yesterday was cause I finally got a Facebook account. I mentioned that I didn't know what I was going to do with it. Then Bunky mentioned that it could be a waste of time. He had a point there so I went out in the shop and started cleaning up.. Until the weather gets back to flying weather again, I'm going to start building the top wing.. I'm still going to be on Facebook. Just not as much.


I actually read the first part of the directions.
In there they mentioned that the top wing is going to be built in one piece. Had to check the length of the building table to see how it would fit. As it turned out, the wing fits without the wing tips. That means I can build the wing and move the plans to build the wing tips. Started marking the die cut parts with the part numbers. In this build the directions say to not take the ribs out of the sheet until you need them. Thats a great idea since I had a hard time finding the right ribs for the Fokker build. This was a lesson I learned that I was going to use anyway.


Thats as far as I got last night but that's a start.





70cc twin V2
This is great Tom. Looks like your ready. Lets get this thing going.
I agree with Bunky about Facebook. It can become a blackhole of wastefulness and suck your brain from your head and lead you to a vast wasteland of nothingness. Lol.


thepamster said
This is great Tom. Looks like your ready. Lets get this thing going.
I agree with Bunky about Facebook. It can become a blackhole of wastefulness and suck your brain from your head and lead you to a vast wasteland of nothingness. Lol.


Got the plans taped down on the table and the wax paper over the upper wing part. Had to splice 4 spars together to make 84 in. spars. The main spar was pinned down and a straight edge was used to line it up. Have to make sure this is as straight as possible cause the rest of the wing gets built off of this spar. Started cutting out the F1 ribs out of the sheeting. This does take longer then if it was laser cut because you have to clean up the edges before setting them in place. The lower rear spar is locater off of the front spar with the ribs. It just floats till you have the ribs in place then you pin t to the board after that to make sure everything lines up. No glue on the ribs yet. That comes after all the ribs are located in place and the top spars are installed. I think the bad weater will last long enough for me to frame up the upper wing. At least get the ribs glued in place.






cbarnes0061 said
Awesome glad to see this build start. Thinking that I would really like to have one these. E
I think you would like it. The more I look at the plane the better I like the lines of it. Just remember that this is just fill in work right now because the weather turned to $#!+. Once the weather breaks towards the end of the week I'll be working on the brick walk to the garage and I'll be flying as much as I can till the wether turns bad for the winter. I may have 4 weeks left to fly. 


I glued the ribs, Spars, False Ribs and false leading edge in so far today. Don't know if I'll go back out in the shop later or not. If I do I'll have some more pictures.








70cc twin V2
Well I'll have to go over to the other house to look at those pics.
When I click on the pic I am stuck there and can't close it or move on to the next one.


thepamster said
Well I'll have to go over to the other house to look at those pics.
When I click on the pic I am stuck there and can't close it or move on to the next one.
There is an X on the upper right of the opicture. You can turn off the picture there. I would like to see a next picture button like everyone else has. Guess we'll have to wait for that.


70cc twin V2
Yep, I saw that last night. It doesn't do anything. I think it may be an internet explorer issue. Bart has said more than once to not use IE. Well that is what I use. I do have another browser I can use but so what.
I recently with through this kind of deal at RC U awhile back and don't have a lot interest in screwing around making things work on my end. I will just try to be patient and wait 'til the dust settles.

The wing looks awesome Tom. Love seeing all of those ribs lined up in a row. Now we're gettin' somewhere.