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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.

i wish, took 4 attempts. but i finally figured out what i was doing wrong with my clear mix. I am so relieved it is finally over. I have to say, the hardest part of building this airplane is painting it, and 2nd difficult is covering it, and 3rd was installing the comfort mounts for the KS cans.
all i have to do now is install the antennas, the RPM sensor, and the battery tray. I have the CG pretty good after i moved the batteries aft. i still have to check the lateral balance, i will need an assistant for that. The motor has been runned, and it was purring. based on the telemetry, seems like the rear cylinders are slightly cooler than the front cylinders, this confirms the information from Henry Piorun and from the Trumpetman. I have a video of the engine running. the 1st video is the engine running with higher , 1st start idle speed, which was slightly high. then the 2nd video shows how low this monster can idle, with minimal vibrations. Very very smooth.


Looks fantastic and sounds like you're almost ready to maiden it. Cam are you going to be able to video it's first flight?
Thank you Mike, my wife has volunteered to film the maiden. I am considering putting the go pro on board as well. Man, i am so nervous about the maiden. I just pray and hope there is not a problem. I am thinking the flight will be like 5 minutes long, then bring her down and check to make sure nothing has worked loose.